Chapter 10: Attempts, Attempts...

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     I woke up that morning at dawn to find that Liz was still asleep.I scribbled a note to her briefly explaining where I was. I pulled out the now very familiar time capsule and fingered the silver button. As I said "Mayflower 1620", I didn't have as much enthusiasm as the first time I tried. Lazily, I pressed the gold button and let the breeze wash over me, taking me into the past. I prepared myself for the arrival and opened my eyes quickly, ready to get out of there. I remembered getting slammed into the door the first time, so I took a step back. As I did so, I was shocked to find the ground moving under me and hear loud cheery voices behind me. Something is wrong, I thought. As I opened my eyes, I was hit with a huge wave of disappointment, as strong as a tsunami. I was already on the Mayflower.

     "There you are Chelsey!" a familiar voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Mason and I tried not to show my disappointment. Mason was a great friend, but the last person I wanted to see that second.

     "Hey Mason," I said. "I'll be right back," With that, I left Mason puzzled and ran off into the cargo hold. It was practically empty, with all the passengers exploring the beautiful day out on the deck. I stumbled into a corner, once again tripping on my long dress. I clumsily pulled out the capsule and shouted out my home address and time. I knew it wouldn't make a difference, and that I would still end up in Timecrash.

     As soon as I returned, I ate breakfast with Liz who was lecturing me about how I will never make it. Her arguments did no good for I had already planned on trying again after breakfast. I hurriedly ate the delicious purple pancakes and got the time capsule back out. I went back to the Mayflower nine more times that day, skipping lunch. Nothing I did worked. I was either dropped in the wrong time, or I bumped into Mason on the streets! When I came back for dinner, I was exhausted. When I offered that Liz go to her time to try, all I got was a stubborn no.


     Weeks passed, each one dragging longer than the previous one. It had become a routine: Wake up, try, try and try some more. To make matters worse, Liz was annoyed with me, thinking I didn't like her home. After four weeks, she didn't want to talk to me. I sensed myself losing faith in my theory that we would make it out. What kept me going was the thought of my family, every night before I went to bed.

     My tall, strong dad with happy glistening eyes. I remembered the many times we had gone biking together, and how he was always there for me. My pretty, kind mom who would always help and support me, no matter what. My younger sister Lyla who was always singing and energetic always made me smile. These nostalgic thoughts made me fill up sadness and anger. One morning, I couldn't take it.

*Hiya! This was another short chapter, but my story is soon coming to an end! Keep reading to see what happens!*

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