Chapter 2: The First Voyage

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For a second, I stood there still as a statue. No way, I thought. Time travel can't be real- that's only in books. Yet there it was: Time Capsule Tx7. I opened the small cap and with trembling hands, pulled out a folded piece of paper. It was ripped, and smudged but I could make out the faded, black print:

Welcome to the Time Capsule Tx7. This is the only, and best time machine with only one more working copy. In order to travel, press the silver button and announce your time and destination out loud. Please wait until your request appears on the screen. If you approve, press the gold button and you will arrive shortly. Creator of Time travel to Capsule Tx7 warns you to be on high alert and have caution while in a different time period. The natural occurrence of events should not be altered or serious consequences wait before you. Please note that the amount of time you spend traveling will not be the same amount as the actual time you are gone. Keep this in mind, and good luck on your journey.

Instantly, my eyes lit up and I clutched the time capsule in my hand. Where should I travel?, I thought. My palms were sweating and my stomach turned with butterflies. My mind flew to my Social Studies class, where we learned about the pilgrims and the Mayflower. What year was that....1620, that's it. I found the silver button and held it down with my thumb.

"The Mayflower, year of 1620!" I announced boldly. For a second, I feared nothing would appear, and that this was all a silly joke. A prank someone had played and was waiting for a victim to fall for it. It wasn't a prank. Not at all. The screen lit up and the words lit up in pixelated letters: Mayflower, 1620. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I was about to travel more than three centuries back in time. The words on the screen proved that this was real. Adventure had found me. No, I had found the adventure. With a last deep breath, I pressed the golden button. It was roughly the size of my thumb, and it felt like cold metal. With no warning, I felt a strong breeze blow through me. I had closed my eyes, but I felt my long, dirty blonde, messy hair blow into my face. This strange wind didn't feel like a normal wind. It seemed to blow right through me. I felt it inside my stomach, in my head and in between my toes. It would feel relaxing if I wasn't so anxious to find where this adventure would lead me.

Before I had a chance to think about anything else, everything froze. The wind stopped, and I couldn't hear a sound. Carefully, I opened my eyes and squinted, fearing that something bad was supposed to come. It didn't. Nothing bad, or good. It was dark here, and it took me a few seconds to get adjusted. Suddenly, I heard angry shouts coming from behind me. There was something separating me from the voices, so it was muffled.

"Now come on Mason, it's time to go! We still need to pack the luggage! No wasting time!" Suddenly, a door opened from behind me and slammed me into a stone wall. I saw a short woman with a tight bun and stern expression storm out of the room. She was followed by a small girl, who looked about four years old. The woman turned to look at me. Her hair was grey, and all packed neatly into the bun.

"What is a young lady like you doing here?" she demanded. I stood there, speechless. Surely I couldn't tell her that I was from the 21st century, traveling through time using a time capsule. Quickly I brought myself together and glanced around. Through the open door I saw a sign that said, "Best Poultry in Plymouth". I decided to put myself into the 1620's.

"Oh, just fetchin' some chicken for my mother," I lied. The woman squinted at me as if she could see right through me.

"And what is your name?" she asked.

"Chelsey Martin,". The woman's gaze relaxed and her eyes softened,

"Very well then, Chelsey. Good day!" She turned around then screamed into the doorway.

"Mason! We have to go!" A tall, freckled and red-headed boy came tumbling out of the store, still looking at something behind him. I was guessing that this was Mason.

"Coming, mother," She started to say something else to him as they walked off the porch. Mason looked back and I saw him stare at me, and no wonder. I was a strange girl, who had just appeared out of nowhere. For the first time, I became aware of my surroundings. I was standing between two black doors, leading to what I guessed was a poultry market. The view from the porch was a wide dirt road leading into a busy street. There were several small wooden houses and horse drawn carriages, like the pictures in my Social Studies textbook. I waited until the woman and the two children were out of sight, and strolled into the street.

Author's Note: Hello, readers and I hope you are enjoying my story so far. I will try to update every day, but no promises!  Well, until next time!

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