3. Selfish

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When you see me

you think my heart is on display

Open 24hrs a day

Because I opened myself to you

You think I'm easy to use

To manipulate into what you want to see

And not what is in reality


I'm not a toy

Or a masterpiece

You can put on display

You are not my master

Who can force me into submission

Force is only used

when there is lack of respect

And I have too much respect

To allow you to push me

To suppress my senses

Until I am a slave

To your desires

Because I desire love

Not your mask of deception

Which makes me question

If this is real

Or a figment of my imagination

You made my dreams come true

But only the nightmares

The problem is I care

Because I was in it for the marathon

And not the 100 metre race

Others are in teams

But I now I'm the only one in the race

Because I was the only one

Who considered the destination

And not the distance

Because I was thinking about us

When you were only thinking about yourself

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