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  ❝Real heroes wear scars, not capes.❞

     In light of recent events, it was almost far too easy for Carson Bradley to notice that something was different.

     For one, Peter Hale was finally dead. The string of rabid murders he committed as an Alpha had been put to rest, no more blood to be stained upon his hands. But unfortunately with his demise, came the rise of another. His nephew Derek Hale has taken the helm as alpha, his eyes running blood red as he begins to turn teenagers into creatures of the night faster than ever. And yet somehow, that was only half of the problem.

     The other half came in the form of Kate Argent finally being laid to rest. The violent hunter succumbed to what everyone called a violent end. But as light is shed upon her acts of arson and the Argent family are turned into social pariahs, a new face appears. Gerard Argent does not look like your everyday werewolf hunter. But he's the most volatile of them all.

     And he's declared war.

     Yet amongst Derek's brigade of teenage werewolves and a geriatric hunter, a new enemy lurks in the shadow. One who's only purpose seems to be killing. And kill it does. As the lines between good and evil are blurred and new, unlikely alliances are formed, only one thing is keeping Carson sane: Stiles Stilinski.

     But sometimes, even sanity is not enough to win a war when there's already so much blood raining down.



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IMPORTANT NOTE: Because this seems to be a dealbreaker for readers based on the comments I receive daily: this book, as well as the following book, are NOT smut books. There are no graphic depictions of sex in any of my Teen Wolf fanfics or any of my fics where the characters are underage. The most you will get from these fics are kissing scenes. While I won't say if it happens for certain for spoilers sake, if my OC does have sex with anyone, it will not be explicitly written and will be a "fade to black" situation where it alludes to the fact that sex happened. There are references to sex and crude jokes, but there are no graphic depictions. 

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