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I ran my hand through my hair for what was probably the hundredth time in the past hour.

  "Carson," Stiles said, rubbing a comforting hand down my arm. "Everything's going to be fine."

  I stared at him like he was crazy. "Fine? Everything is not fine, Stiles. My best friend just disappeared from a freaking hospital bathroom! This is like something out of a cheesy horror film!"

  There had been no sign of Lydia for the past hour. The hospital seemed to go into a slight panic, people checking every inch of the building. And yet, no sign of the strawberry blonde girl was found. Lydia had just seemingly vanished from the room, leaving no trace whatsoever.

  Stiles sighed. "Look, I know you're freaking out. Honestly, I am too and me and Lydia aren't even friends. But she'll be fine. We'll find her, okay?"

  I nodded, not really having anything to say. I tightened my jacket around me, trying not to let the obvious bugle look too noticeable. After Mr. Martin had left the room to go figure out what was going on, Stiles and I had nicked the long forgotten hospital gown. We figured that when we left the hospital, we'd get Scott to help us. He had texted both of us a few minutes ago that he was on his way to the hospital. But we obviously couldn't let people see the bloodstained gown, so I was in charge of stuffing it down my coat. This was fun.

  I let out another sigh, my hands tangling with each other on my lap. I began twisting my ring around, praying that they would find Lydia. Where was she? She was out in the cold, probably disoriented and most likely clothing optional. And the temperatures were dropping quickly, the icy breeze of winter dawning on our once normal town.

  As I leant my head against my boyfriend's shoulder, he kissed the top of it. His arm wound around my shoulder, his hand twirling a dark lock of my hair around. I smiled softly, slightly calming down from my frustrated worry.

  A few minutes passed when Mrs. McCall, Mr. Martin walked past with Stiles' dad and some of his deputies. I quickly stood, pulling Stiles off our seats and made my way after them. I was pretty much fast walking to keep up with them, my short legs no match for those of tall people.

  As we trailed behind them, I could begin to overhear what they were talking about.

  "Naked?" Mr. Stilinski asked, in a shocked tone. "As in nude?"

  "I'm pretty sure they mean the same thing. But yes, as far as we know she left clothing optional," Mrs. McCall stated.

  He nodded. "Alright, you checked the whole hospital right?"

  "Every last corner."

  "Nothing suspicious?"

  Mrs. McCall shook her head. "Nothing, she just took off."

Holding Out for a Hero ▸ Stiles Stilinski (2)Where stories live. Discover now