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A clawed hand.

  Isaac's words flooded through my brain for the rest of the day. A clawed freaking hand. A human hand with freaking claws for fingernails. The only time I've seen a hand with claws was on a werewolf. Meaning that a werewolf had been in the graveyard with Isaac last night. Meaning that someone was a werewolf.

  Scott wasn't going to go crawling around a cemetery and eat a liver. Neither was Derek, despite the fact that close to no one has seen him since he took the Alpha power away from Peter. So this meant that there was a new werewolf in Beacon Hills. One that had to be lucid enough to eat a liver. Lydia had vanished right before Isaac's account. Meaning that Lydia truly could have been the one dining on a liver from a dead body.

  But it didn't add up. Lydia still very much had her wound when I last saw her. And if the wound someone magically healed before I got back with her food and clothes, than she must have sniffing magic fairy dust under the moonlight for that to happen.

  "What? A hand with claws?" Stiles exclaimed as he and Scott surrounded me at my locker.

  "I know, it doesn't make sense," I replied, grabbing my Chemistry textbook. "But that's what Isaac said he saw."

  "Are you sure he saw that?" Scott countered, looking utterly doubtful.

  I shrugged, closing the locker. "I don't know. Isaac doesn't really seem like the type to make up that kind of a story. And it's not like he was drunk and seeing things; the kid was operating a grave digging machine. Last time I checked you weren't supposed to do that kind of shit while working with machinery."

  "So do you think it's Lydia?" Stiles asked, grabbing the book from my hands.

  He left me no room to argue that I could hold it before starting down the hall. Scott had already fallen in step with him and I jogged to catch up.

  "I can't see Lydia Martin eating a liver," Scott replied.

  I nodded. "All I know is that now Isaac thinks I know something about what's going on."

  "You do sort of know something," Stiles pointed out. "We all do."

  "Yeah, no shit. But I'm not going to tell him that," I replied. "What would I say? Oh, yeah hey Isaac, by the way the towns infested with werewolves. And besides, it's not like I'm going to end up talking to him again."

  Stiles and Scott sighed as we headed into Mr. Harris' room. Scribbled across the board was the word 'test'. Great. Just what I need today.

  "You have got be kidding me," I muttered as Stiles and I made out way to our table. Harris ended up sitting us back together considering we just kept moving seats. Dude catches on fast.

Holding Out for a Hero ▸ Stiles Stilinski (2)Where stories live. Discover now