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I fell back onto my bed with sigh.

"Okay. Is it just me or was today too eventful?" I asked, just lying there.

Too many things seemed to have happened in less than twenty four hours. We found out about a grave robbery, interrogated people, I waited for Stiles' to get out of detention. And then we crashed a funeral, got put in a cop car, broke out of aforementioned cop car and found my best friend who had been taking a naked stroll in the woods for four days without knowing. And I'm pretty sure I flunked that Chemistry test.

Stiles didn't say a word, just sat down on the edge of my bed. Even once he was perched on the end he remained in silence. For any other person, it might have been understandable. But this was Stiles. Stiles and silence don't go together any more than me and Chemistry class.

I sat up and scooted across my bed till I was next to him. He was just sitting there, not saying a word. He didn't even acknowledge me as I placed a concerned hand on his hands. He just stood straight ahead, eyes trained on my wall.

"Stiles?" I asked tentatively. What could be bothering him? "Babe?"

He didn't look at me, but he responded. "I'm fine...just thinking. Everything's changing so fast."

"What do you mean?" I asked, though I had a very good idea of where this was headed.

He gave me a disbelieving look. "You seriously don't think things have changed? Carson's we're surrounded by werewolves, we're finding dead bodies! Our best friend is a creature of the night, which is kinda cool except when it almost gets us killed. And now Lydia is...whatever the hell she is!"

"Hey," I started, grabbing his hand. "Yeah, things are slightly...okay a million times different than last year and all. But we can handle it. We've done pretty fan-freaking-tastic so far. I mean, we're still alive. And besides, some good things came out of it."

"Like what?" he muttered.

I rolled my eyes at his obliviousness. "Well, there's us. If you ask me, I think the whole werewolf thing really kick started the whole you telling me you're in love with me thing."

"The werewolf thing so did not kick start it," he exclaimed. "I was going to tell you eventually."

I giggled at his rapid hand movements. "Stiles, it took you eight years to tell me."

"Yeah, but I had a ten year plan that I was working with," he replied, holding up his ten fingers. "And it only took me eight of said ten!"

I giggled at the adorable display of fast paced movement and jumbled words. I chose not to speak, but rather bask in the thought of him loving me for so long. Once again, I was completely stunned by the fact that I had never noticed it. Thinking back on every memory of us that I could conjure up, it was so blatantly obvious that he had feelings for me. The stuttering, the meant-to-be-discreet glances, the crushed look on his face when I told him Jackson had kissed me and asked to be my boyfriend. The relieved face he had when we broke up. The way he always looked out for me. The fact that I never heard him talk about any girl, unless it was some girl in a movie.

Holding Out for a Hero ▸ Stiles Stilinski (2)Where stories live. Discover now