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  "I don't understand," Scott muttered as we exited the rink. "Why would he want this?"

  By he, Scott was referring to Boyd. When I had told Boyd that Scott could take both Erica and Isaac, I had been completely right. Hence why ten dollars that used to belong to Boyd was now safely in my pocket. But that wasn't the point.

  After Scott had totally kicked the newbie werewolves' asses up and down the rink, Derek decided it was time to intervene. Unfortunately, Derek having been born a werewolf and being the Alpha gave him the upper hand. So as Scott was there bleeding on the floor, me next to him concerned even though I knew he would heal, Boyd went to leave with Derek. Scott told him that he shouldn't want to be like Derek. Boyd replied, while revealing a bite on his side that he knew; he wanted to be like Scott.

  "Why would anyone want this?" Scott questioned again.

  I shrugged. "Maybe they're better off this way."

  "How the hell can you say that?" Scott practically yelled, turning to me with wide eyes.

  "Look, being a werewolf is a bitch. I'm not even one and I know that. But you've got to admit, it's got some pretty cool perks," I mumbled. Scott only stared. I sighed, "Think of it this way. It cured your asthma right? It probably did the same thing with Erica's epilepsy. Isaac probably did it so he could feel like he could protect himself from his dad. Boyd probably has a good reason."

  "So turning into a raging, uncontrollable monster is the answer to a good reason?" he cried

  "Scott, I'm not gonna fight you on this, okay?" I said. "But I just think that maybe if we knew what was going through their heads when Derek offered, we'd be a tad more understanding."

  He went to respond, but was cut off by Taylor Swift blaring from somewhere inside my pocket.

  "If you could see that I'm the one who understands you. Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me..."

  Only one person had that ringtone: Stiles.

  Scott gave me a nod and I scrambled to get it from my pocket and unlock it.

  "Hello?" I asked, slightly rushed.

  "Carson?" I heard him groan. What the hell did Erica do to him?

  "Where are you right now?" I questioned, rubbing my arm. "Are you okay? What the hell did Erica do to you?"

  "Erica? How do you know about that?" he questioned, genuinely confused.

Holding Out for a Hero ▸ Stiles Stilinski (2)Where stories live. Discover now