Chapter 7

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Gabbie can feel depression tugging at her as sleep evades her. Jasper has spent the past god knows how long with Alice as she keeps sketching the room from Gabbie's dream. Hatred for the small pixie tugs at her heart and she blames the mate bond. It doesn't like the fact her mate is spending time with someone else. It's only when Bella shows up at 2 does she leave the bed also, following the brunette to the two vampires' side.
"Did she see something more?" Bella asks Jasper quietly.

"Yes. Something's brought him back to the room with the VCR, but it's light now."

Alice draws a square room with dark beams across its low ceiling. The walls are paneled in wood, a little too dark, out of date. The floor has a dark carpet with a pattern in it. There is a large window against the south wall, and an opening through the west wall led to the living room. One side of that entrance is stone - a large tan stone fireplace that was open to both rooms. The focus of the room from this perspective, the TV and VCR, balanced on a too-small wooden stand, are in the southwest corner of the room. An aged sectional sofa curved around in front of the TV, a round coffee table in front of it.

"The phone goes there," whispers Bella, pointing. Three pairs of supernatural eyes flicker over to hers. "That's my mother's house."

Alice is already off the couch, phone in hand, dialing. Jasper slides closer to Bella, he lightly touches his hand to her shoulder. Alice's lips are trembling with the speed of her words, the low buzzing impossible to decipher. Gabbie shifts closer to Jasper, the bond slightly calming down.

"Bella," Alice says attracting everyone's attention. "Bella, Edward is coming to get you. He and Emmett and Carlisle are going to take you somewhere, to hide you for a while."

"Edward is coming?"

"Yes, he's catching the first flight out of Seattle. We'll meet him at the airport, and you'll leave with him."

"But, my mother... he came here for my mother, Alice!" Despite Jasper, the hysteria bubbled up in her voice.

"Jasper, Gabbie and I will stay till she's safe."

"I can put a protective ward over her house, Bells." assures Gabbie soothingly.

"I can't win, Alice. You can't guard everyone I know forever. Don't you see what he's doing? He's not tracking me at all. He'll find someone, he'll hurt someone I love... Alice, I can't -"

"We'll catch him, Bella," Gabbie assures.

"That's the thing, Gabs. He's tracking you too! Why are you staying out in the open when you are in as much danger as me!"

"I'm a witch, Bells; I have more protection in my pinkie than you do in your whole body."

Bella turns to the last girl in the room, trying to make them all see sense. "And what if you get hurt, Alice? Do you think that's okay with me? Do you think it's only my human family he can hurt me with?"

Alice looks meaningfully at Jasper and Bella's eyes close without her permission. She forces her eyes open and stands up, stepping away from Jasper's hand.

"I don't want to go back to sleep," she snaps leaving to the room, slamming the door.

"Well good job." mutters Gabbie sarcastically, getting up and following Bella and finally falling to sleep.

It's around seven when Gabbie is woken up by Jasper's soft voice and his fingers going through her hair. She yawns as she sits up in the bed, running her hand through her messy wavy hair. She looks at Jasper and grins at him instinctively leaning over and kissing his cheek. She pulls away eyes wide but Jasper just smiles knowingly. He kisses her forehead before leaving so she can get dressed. She gets out a tan sweater dress and black ankle booties and a black scarf. She does her hair up in a bun and coats her lips in a dark red. She grabs her suitcase and leaves the room. Them leaving the hotel is a blur for Gabbie and before she knows it they're at the airport. Twenty minutes before Edward's arrival, Bella speaks up.

"I think I'll eat now."

Alice stands. "I'll come with you."

"Do you mind if Jasper comes instead?" Bella asks and Gabbie raises her eyebrows. "I'm feeling a little..." she doesn't finish the sentence though her eyes are wild enough to convey but words couldn't.

Jasper turns to Gabbie. "I'll be back soon, okay." she nods her head with a tight smile. "Alice with look after you."

"I don't need protection." Gabbie says with a grin and Jasper smiles before leaning down and kissing her forehead. He and Bella leave encasing the two remaining supernaturals in silence. Gabbie ends up bringing out her notebook and drawing the wolf from her dream. Alice keeps glances at the young witch before finally speaking up.

"For the longest time I could've sworn I was Jasper's mate. But a couple years ago I saw you for the first time in a vision, smiling so brightly. When I told Jaz the biggest smile lit his face and I felt my heart breaking. After a couple of months we thought I was wrong and I started to hope again, I mean Jasper started to reciprocate my advances but then you came." Alice takes a shuddering breath. "And my heart broke yet again, but seeing him with you, the way you guys act as if you've known each other for years. I'm happy I'm not his mate because you guys could not be a better pair and I just want to say... I believe we'll be great friends."

"Well as long as you don't try and steal my man." Alice grins at the witch's terminology. "I already had that happen once. I can't have it happen again."

A frantic Jasper distracts them as he rushes up to them. "She said she needed to use the restroom but then she never came out. I have a bad feeling."

Gabbie's eyes widen as a gut wrenching feeling goes through her and she takes off as the two vampire call after her. How could she have been so stupid? Bella had definitely had a change in character after the phone call with her mother and Jasper had told her about Bella asking about Alice's visions. And it's no coincidence that she had a dream about the room Alice keeps having visions about. And Bella knew the room, she told Gabbie herself. God she's so stupid! James must've gotten to Bella and now she's sacrificing herself. Suddenly Jasper is in front of her, hands cupping her face and eyes searching hers.

"Gabrielle tell me what's going on." she feels a strange arousal build in her as he demands an answer, eyes angry.

"I know where she's going. She's going to the room Alice keeps having in her vision. I need to get there."

"Okay let's wait for Edward-"

"No I need to go now, please Jasper. Trust me."

He presses his forehead to hers and closes his eyes. "I can't lose you."

"And you won't, but Bella needs help right now." She places her hands softly on his face, stroking his cheek, "Hey send me the address, wait for Edward and then you can come help."

Jasper smiles, eyes still closed. "You are amazingly brilliant, Gabrielle." He opens his eyes and she sees determination glowing in his amber eyes. "Go! Go and don't look back my little hero." Gabbie smiles at his nickname for her before kissing his cheek and rushing off. Jasper stands there for a moment taking in deep breaths. He believes in her but letting her run straight to the fire is going against everything in his body. With another shuddering breath he steps back into the airport sparing a glimpse back at Gabbie's running figure.

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