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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.



"Reia," He began, "I love you. But it wasn't me. I did not go on that mission. I don't want you to hate me for it."

"None of us have a choice, anymore. If we even speak a word that the Dark Lord does not want to hear, he tortures us.

It is not easy. Please...I don't want you to hate me for this," Regulus' voice was a bit shaky as he read the letter that he'd intended to send to her, but never got the chance to.

They were sitting beside each other on a soft seat, the fireplace crackling in front of them.

"I'm not very brave, and I will admit that the threat of being tortured scares me. But the thought of him torturing you—that scares me more. So much more."

"Reg..." Her voice trembled a little, and she took his hand and squeezed it.

He took her hand and continued, "Don't put yourself in danger, because I will not put you in any more danger than you are already in. I love you." He smiled, "R.A.B."

Before the final sound was finished, she had pulled him close and pressed her lips to his.

They shared a kiss—a sweet, innocent kiss, as the letter that Regulus held in his hands fell to the ground as his fingers fell loose and went to her hands—to hold them.

When they pulled away, they didn't say anything—they were met with the sounds of the crackling fireplace.

"I should leave soon," Reia murmured, finally breaking the peaceful silence, "It's getting late."

"No," He breathed, "Stay. Live here with me. Stay here."


"Nobody would be able to enter," He said, pulling back just far enough to meet her eyes, "We'd cast protective charms to repel all Death Eaters. They're not allowed to come here without my permission, anyway. This is my house, now, and they won't be able to enter without my consent. Thus, a few extra protective charms wouldn't be suspicious. Charms to prevent anybody but you and I to enter—unless we are there to disable the charms. Live here. I...I miss you too much."

"How would we make it work, though? I live at Potter Mansion—,"

"You can move," He said with a hopeful smile, "Bring your things and tell them that you have bought a new apartment."

"But Dumbledore—,"

"Tell him," Regulus said smoothly, "You can tell him. I trust him; I'm sure he will do nothing but help."

Reia gave him a sceptical look, "You're a Death Eater, Reg, and he's the leader of the Order of the Phoenix—,"

"I trust him enough."

"Fine," Reia relented, "But...if you get in trouble, what will I do?"

"I can promise you, I won't," He reassured her, "We will be fine. But tell no one else."

"I haven't even agreed yet."

"Then, are you going to stay here? Live with me?"


"You don't have to if you don't want to, of course. I just want you to be happy and comfortable--but I'd really love it if you lived here with me. I mean, if you really don't want to you don't have to. The portrait of my mother will be covered," Regulus rambled, "I'll charm it to make her feel like she's not being covered, but rather is in a really dark room."

"Whoa!" Reia said, raising a hand, "What portrait of your mother?"

Regulus sighed and shook his head with a little chuckle, "You'll know it when you see it."

A moment of silence hung between them.



"I'll live with you."

They kissed once more, and after they had pulled apart, he said, "I love you, you know that?"

Reia laughed softly, "I love you too, Reg."


"Where are you going, Little Lupin?" Sirius asked, humming to himself as he went to grab a cookie from Mrs. Potter's cookie jar.

Reia had planned to sneak up the stairs and avoid being spotted, get her things, and run—but that wasn't going to happen now. She was carrying her trunk, because she'd just come down the stairs, and had been writing a note for her brother to leave on the kitchen table and preparing to leave.

"Moving out," She answered, deciding to tell half the truth, as she shifted a little uncomfortably on her feet, "I'm moving. I got my own apartment."

"To where? Is it going to be safe? Are you going to tell Remus about it before you leave?" Sirius frowned, "He's going to worry about you, you know."

"He's got his own apartment," Reia said, shaking her head, "He'll understand. Besides, I'm seventeen, and you were fifteen when you moved out of the house."

Sirius considered for a moment, before saying, "Oh, alright."

"I'll still spend most of my time here, since I'm still a part of the Order," She reassured him, "I'll just be moving my stuff elsewhere."

"Go, then," Sirius said with a little smile, "I'll tell the others later. I'll assume you didn't want to be spotted?"

"Erm, well, that was the plan," Reia said with an awkward smile, "But...that's alright. Bye, Sirius."

"Goodbye, Reia, see you later," Sirius said, and just as Reia was about to leave and shut the door behind her, he called out.

"Oh, and Reia?"


"You're a terrible liar." He winked, and then he turned the corner with his cookie and vanished.

Author's Note:

Me: *Types Chapter 49*

Also me: *We're almost at halfway to a hundred!*

I can't believe how far we've come! Also, today I came onto Wattpad and realised that this book now has 9K reads! I absolutely CANNOT believe how far this story has come; thank you all so much for the support!

lilia <3

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