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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.



When Archie arrived at the Common Room with the other First Years, he felt the warmth and sense of home in the place.

It was empty, but the fireplace was already magically lit, and the room was decked out in scarlet and gold, the Gryffindor colours that Archie now wore on his school tie.

"...dorms are up that way," The Prefect was saying, "...up the stairs..." He was gesturing, but Archie wasn't paying attention to him; he was too distracted admiring every corner of the Common Room.

"It's pretty cool, isn't it?" A red-haired girl said, nudging him, and he turned to her—it was Ginny Weasley, whom he remembered from the Sorting.

"Uh—yeah," Archie said with a half-smile, "I...um, yeah."

Ginny seemed to have stopped listening halfway through, because she nodded distractedly and her gaze was now fixated on the fireplace as she peered over the heads of the other First Years to get a better look, balancing on her tip-toes.

He understood, though. Everything here was very interesting to look at. It was all so new and foreign.

"Do you think that's lit by magic?" She asked, turning back to Archie, and he shrugged.

"Probably," He replied.

It was at that moment that the students began to move up the stairs, and Archie was lost in his thoughts and followed Ginny—but suddenly he was falling, falling and falling.

The stairs that led to the girls' dorms had turned to a slide, and Archie landed in a heap at the bottom of it, surprised, groaning in pain.

He got to his feet, to find the other First Years laughing at him, but Ginny was the one to speak to him first.

"Oh, getting in trouble on the first day...Arche, was it?" She asked with a light smile.

Archie, his cheeks red, said, "Yeah—but people call me Archie."

"Archie, then," Ginny said, "Those are the girls' dorms up there. Weren't you listening to the Prefects?"

No, he said mentally, but instead he said, "Yeah—erm, thanks, Ginny."

He smiled in embarrassment, and then went up the correct stairs.

He found his name on the first door, and went in quickly, shutting the door behind him, collapsing on the ground and catching his breath.

"What's your name?"

Archie hadn't even realised that there was somebody else in the dorm until that moment.

"Oh—uh, Archie Lupin," And then he realised that he'd forgotten a part of his last name, "Lupin-Black."

"I'm Edward Heights," The boy said, hopping off of his bed, where he'd been sitting, to shake Archie's hand, "Er, what am I meant to say again? Well, I'm a half-blood...erm..."

"What does that mean?"

Edward's expression changed to one of pure astonishment, "You mean your parents haven't told you? Your father comes from basically the most pureblooded wizarding families in existence!"

Archie stared blankly at him, "I don't know what that is, either. What's pureblood?"

"Merlin," Edward's eyes widened, "Well, don't you have a lot to learn."

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