Chapter 12

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*Amelia's POV*

"Okay that's enough.", Liam says after a few moments of Jordan and I kissing. Jordan pulls back and smiles at me.

"Thanks Liam.", Jordan says.

"What did he do?", I ask clueless.

"I helped Jordan come up with this plan."


"Yeah.",Jordan says nodding.

"Good job then Liam.", I say hugging him.

"Thank you.", he smiles.

"Well thanks because I didn't ask you out or anything.", Jordan partially whines.

"Well thank you Jordan."

"You're very welcome."' He says kissing my cheek.

"So now what?", Liam asks.

"Umm we relax...", Jordan says.

"Is going to be awkward like last time."


"There was so much tension you could cut it with a knife."


"Yes Amy."

"Fine, whatever.", I say sitting on the couch. Liam sit next to me and wraps his arm around me. I see Jordan with a slightly offended look and hold back a giggle.

"I love you.", Liam chuckles and Jordan sits beside me.

"Love you too Liam."

"I hate you both.", Jordan shakes his head.

"I love you and you know it.", I say poking him.

"I know."

"Ah great you two are going to be all lovey dovey now."


"Yes you are, don't lie to me Amelia."

"I'm not Liam."

"Yes you are.", Jordan states grinning.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are, I'm a lover."

"Well I'm not."

"And the happiness is over.", Liam teases.

"Gah you'll get over it.", Jordan says and I smile. I shake my head and he nods.Jordan pulls me into an almost bone crushing hug and squirm to get free. He chuckles and just holds me tighter.

"Just hug back!", Jordan says and I shake my head.


"You literally just hugged Liam though.", he points out and I sigh. I wrap my arms around him and he smiles wide. I roll my eyes playfully at him.

"Can we do something.", Liam whines.

"Like what?"

"Um uh I don't know, I just want to do something."

"Fine fine, we could go to the mall?", Jordan suggests.

"Ew no.", I say wrinkling my nose.

"Well do you have any ideas?"

"We could go get ice cream.", I shrug.

"Sure.", Liam says getting up.

"Why not.", Jordan agrees getting up. I smile and head for the door with them following. I get in the drivers seat and Liam slides into the passenger side.

"Hey!", Jordan says looking at me.

"I'm driving!", I say and he sighs handing me the keys. I smile triumphantly and start it. Liam turns the radio to a country song and I smile.

"Can you chang-", Jordan is cut off by Liam, "No."

"Amelia please turn it."

"No I like this song."

"Out ruled!", Liam shouts turning it up.

"Well then.", Jordan mutters. I smile and drive to the ice cream store.


I pull in a parking spot. I get out and throw Jordan his keys. Liam leads the way inside and I look at all the different flavors. I see a contain filled birthday chocolate flavored ice cream and lick my lips.

"Excited there?", Liam chuckles.

"Yes that's my favorite!", I say smiling.

"Well get it then.", Jordan says wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"I will if you let go of me.", I giggle and he sighs letting go of me. I wait as Jordan gets his the goes and sits. Liam gets his and I watch. I get mine and walk over with Liam to where Jordan's sitting. I stop short when I see the same brunette haired girl sliding her way into the booth across from Jordan. I walk over with Liam following me, my eyes narrowed.

"Oh come on give me a second chance Jordan.", she whines.

"No, you're the same person, that left me."

"I've changed."

"Baby seasons change but people don't."I say quoting a song I had heard as I sit next to Jordan.

"Well look what the cat drug in."

'Me? Please I'm here with Jordan."


"I'm dating him."

"Whatever.", she says getting up still glaring at me. I smirk as she walks away and Liam sits where she had been.

"Point Amelia.", Liam says giving me a high five.

"You didn't hesitate to jump in there.", Jordan chuckles and I shrug.

"I never meant to brag, but god does it feel good to get her away from you."

"I can only imagine.", Liam says smiling. I smile happily and eat my ice cream. We all eat quietly then get up and go back to the car. I get in the back letting Jordan drive and Liam called shotgun before I could get the words out. Jordan drives me back to my apartment and I frown.

"Come on.",Jordan says getting out. He leads me to my door and I try to smile Liam pulls me into a tight hug.

"I leave tomorrow morning."

"Aww, I'll come say good bye."

'You better."

"You know I will. "

"Good.", he says smiling and letting go of me. Jordan pulls me into a hug and Liam walks off leaving us alone. Jordan's lips meet mine in a sweet kiss. We kiss for a few moment before I pull back.

"Do you have to go?"

"Unfortunately yes, I have some stuff to do and Liams leaving tomorrow."


"I know, but we can hang out tomorrow."


"Tomorrow then.", He nods pecking my lips. I smile and wave as Jordan walks away. I close the door and go to my room. I change into some sweatpants and lay down, a huge smile never leaving my face.

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