Chapter 8

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We took our time walking to Yaya's, that's what I usually do. However, slow walks are becoming pretty awkward.

"So how your grades? You know your average? " He asked. Weird way to start a conversation.

"It's great. I'm passing all classes with A and A+ and I believe my average is 96%-98%." I said, kind of bragging like.

"Wow. So you'll skip a grade? That's cool. "

"Um, maybe. I really don't want to, but it'll be cool. I guess"

Back to silence. I hope he doesn't talk about Chanyeol and Kyungsoo or it'll become really awkward.

"So you had a nightmare last night? I ask because I kept hearing 'demon' and 'Taeyoon', but you were calling her a demon." He seems pretty interested.

First, my coughing waking  Chanyeol up, now it's my sleep taking that woke Kai up.

"Well, you see. It was a demon in a form of Taeyoon... and she was choking me. However I rebuke it."

"Choking you for what?"

We stopped at the light. It got a bit chilly.

"For stealing her love?" I said pretty quickly, I know where this conversation is heading.

"Chanyeol? I wouldn't think you and Chanyeol,  only you and Kyungsoo."

"Really? The thing is... Chanyeol and I might have a thing, but I really love Kyungsoo." Why the heck am I telling him this? To be honest, I felt pretty straight forward just saying it, I didn't really care if he told anyone at the moment.

"I kinda figured that Chanyeol might have a thing for you, but he's dating Taeyoon. So I ignored it. Had he confessed to you yet?" Kai asked. The light change for us and we walked our regular speed, slow.

"Yes, he had. He says that he loves me, but I don't think so. Kyungsoo confessed and didn't like lie..." Of course he didn't lie, Kyungsoo freaking kissed me. "If Chanyeol broke up with Taeyoon." Let it be soon. Please God let it be soon. "Then he'll probably love me more, I guess."

"So Kyungsoo is your soulmate and Chanyeol is your secret lover." Well, he put that perfectly.

Wait secret lover? That is kind of true. I have to think about it.  Chanyeol does "love" me.  He has a girlfriend. So yeah,  secret lover. "Yeah I guess he's my secret lover.  However, that doesn't mean he cheating on Taeyoon with me. He just has a side crush.  Most people have side crush when in a relationship, right?" I don't even know if that's true. I have never been in a relationship. Am I with Kyungsoo since he kissed me?

"That's true. I've been in a few relationships." Kai pointed out.

Good, I can talk to an expert about this topic. How this topic came about again?

"If you got kissed, like a long kiss, does that mean you are in a relationship?" I had to ask.

"If a girl kisses a guy, that's just a sign to show affection. Girls don't start the relationship, guys do." Why it gotta be the guys? Bullshit. "If the guy kisses the girl, well it's not only to show affection but it shows that they want you and loves you enough to have a relationship. It takes a lot of guts to kiss a girl first." He finishes off.

I nodded thinking things through. So Kyungsoo wants to start a relationship. He did say he wants me. I don't want to ask him, I'll let him come to me.

We reached Yaya's. It was somewhat packed. The other employees were there and Mitzuko.

"Tell me a secret."I said to Kai.

"Huh? Okay. Um, I have a major crush on Tomoko. Why you want to know?"

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