Chapter 3- Stealing! No, Passing!

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super sorry for the long wait! if you're actually still reading this thank you for stinking around ily

i plan on actually normally updating this time, there was a time when i lost interest in writing but i've been writing a lot lately and i have big plans for this book!

Chapter 3:

I set my tray on the empty lunch table with a wide grin on my face. Today the cafeteria was serving pizza, a reason for me to be happy all on its own. Seating myself down. I licked my lips, my mouth was just watering at the thought of food. It was safe to say I was absolutely starved. I shoved a slice of pizza down my throat and gulped down the Dr. Pepper I got from the vending machine, moaning in bliss.

"How do you even pass up for a girl." I looked up as I swallowed, meeting eyes with Casper. I gave him a toothy grin, chewing another bite. I would've loved to converse but my pizza wasn't going to consume itself. Every two seconds I would smile through a mouthful at Casper, whom was sitting across me studying me with an amused look, I didn't speak though. I was eating. Once I reached the crust of the pizza, I dropped it in my plate and focused on Casper.

"Hi." My hi was covered up with a burp though. I laughed at myself a little, mentally high fiving myself.

"Wow, that was hot." Casper said, mocking surprise.

"What are you doing here?" I asked tentatively, spooning Jello into my mouth.

"Eating lunch with you." He stated as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Why?" I asked through a mouthful.

"Why aren't you sitting with anyone?" His eyes traveled around the cafeteria, pausing at each table to study the people.

"Because? I don't know, I guess no one asked me to sit with them." I shrugged uncomfortably, looking down at my tray. My eyes landed on a fruit cup and my mouth watered. I grabbed the fruit cup and began shovelling grapes in my mouth.

"Well you're apart of the soccer team now, and the soccer team sits over there," He motioned towards a round table in the centre of the cafeteria. "So that's where you sit now, as a member of the soccer team." He stated. My eyes widened and I could feel my throat closing up on the chewed up grape I was swallowing. That was in the middle, and it was sure to be the centre of attention too. I coughed, trying to swallow the fruit in my mouth before it resurfaced in a very not pretty way.

"Uh- It's alright. I like it here." I tried convincing him, although I sounded more like I was trying to convince myself and the 'smile' on my face was sure to look like a grimace.

"Really?" He raised a challenging eyebrow. I nodded. "So the stench doesn't bother you?" Casper asked. My eyes trailed to the large garbage can that was placed at the end of my table. I turned to face Casper and shook my head.


"Ah-huh." He mocked understanding. "So uh- why're you talking like that?"

"Like what?" I shuffled in my seat uncomfortably as I tried to hide the nasally edge to my voice. In my defence, the garbage smelled really bad.

"Jaden," Casper sighed, snatching my lunch tray from my reach and standing up. "You're sitting with the team." He said. My eyes widened and I shook my head frantically, everyone at that table hated me. Especially Louis, he's made it quite clear in all of our classes that he didn't appreciate my presence. What if I sit there and he decides to completely humiliate me? Or call me mean names? What if he-

"Come on." Casper pulled me out f my seat and yanked my arm in the direction of the table. I dug my heels into the tiled floor, my converse causing a loud squeak.

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