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I thought this would mean a new year, a new life! But all it is, is a bad start.

The Two friends I had last year are trying to kill themselves. One over dying over a boy, and the other over a girl.

I find someone that likes me, and I like them. But feelings for other people are still there.

I miss my best friend, and I wish he would still notice me. But he always goes to her not me. But I know things will get better.

I'm now questioning the thought of living, not everyone in my familu is in good financial support, friends are starting to disappear.

What do I do? I don't know what to anymore? The voices, the monsters, there all still there.

I still enjoy sitting in the dark. All alone. It doesn't bother me one bit.

I put on a fake smile, hide every ounce of sadness in my body, laugh it off, and then everyone is okay. If I open out to the world, and tell them just how depressed I am on the inside, then they get hurt. I don't want to pass my curse onto them. A curse where you can't love anyone with out hurting them.

Help me, please.

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