The girl in the coffee shop

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Im not one of those people that falls in love. Actually, I am. But I'd like to pretend im not. My name is Jamie and my life has been very.... Interesting... But I suppose the best place to start wouldve been the summer before my 4th year of college. Back then I was a bit of a hot head. I guess thats typical for a red-head huh? Im 5'6" without heels, emerald eyes, and unforgettable wavy red hair. The people around me seem to find me beautiful, and back then, I used that too my advantage.

That summer I was driving up and down the west coast. It was beautiful. Stopping in at cheap hotels. Going to the beach. Watching the sunset dip beneath the horizon. Attempting to surf and never really succeeding. It was probably one of the most peaceful times of my life. I had planned the whole thing as a road trip for me and my girlfriend last winter, but she kinda decided not to go. Said it would be awkward since we had broken up and everything. Which I mean she was probably right.... I just wish I had someone to share it with.

I had finally reached the last leg of my trip. Which was good, cause my trusty Honda was on its last legs as well.

I was getting coffee from some local spot that seemed interesting upon first glance. Looked quaint. And it had a little book store in one corner of it. Which is exactly where I went to drink my cafe latte. It was such a cute shop and I wondered why there weren't more customers.

I looked around at the bookshelves around me. All new books. Mainly political crap and self-help books. I started to reach for one with an interesting title when the loud static of a microphone screeched thru the buildings speakers.

"Testing. Testing."

I cursed a little under my breath and looked for the source of the abrasive sound. I found it on a small stage where some guy with a beanie, lip ring, and obviously fake glasses was clearing his throat so much that I thought he might be choking.

"Ahem... So well... Ahem.. My. Ahem... My names chris... Ahem.. Ahem... And my poem is.. Ahem."

A poetry reading? Seriously.... At like.. 7 in the morning??? No wonder there weren't any customers.

I take that back. One customer. This gorgeous girl just walked in and ordered a coffee. Wavy long mahogany hair.Wearing converse with skinny jeans and a tank top. Damn... That ass.... She must be a parking ticket, cause that has got "FINE" written all over it..

Chris started his poem about some wrong society had done to destroy... I dont know... I wasn't really listening... I was trying to watch the chick at the counter without seeming too obvious. Shit! She saw me watching her. Man Im bad at this... Wait.. Did she just smile? I think that was a smile.. Well she got her coffee, and thanked... Deborah? I guess shes a regular here. This must be the only one around... or she just likes bad poetry at an hour I think is to early put up with any kind of crap. Well she's got her coffee and now she's... Walking towards me.. Oh my god! Ok, calm down! Dont panic shes probably gonna sit at that table... That she just passed.. Ok panic. But stay calm. Seem cool!

I take another sip of my coffee and manage to pour it down my shirt.

"Fuck!" I say trying to be quiet as I try to clean myself up with a napkin quickly before she comes over here. I steal another glance and notice she's smiling again and probably laughing. I mentally sigh and yell at myself for being so clumsy.

"So," she says in a voice thats trying to contain a laugh,"see anything you like?"

Holy crap, was that a line? "Uhh..." Was all I managed to verbalize.

She walked over to the bookshelf "We have a great selection for such a small bookstore.... Well thats what I'm supposed to say."

Oh she was talking about the books. Any books I like. Right.

I laugh a little at her joke. Its hard to remember what she just said, her mouth is amazingly beautiful and looks really soft. "Well I don't like politics.."

She chuckles,"hmmm me either. My brother does though, so he buys all this junk and puts it in here. Although I don't think he's ever actually sold one book, ever."

I made mental notes of all the information she had just given me. "So your brother owns this store?"

"Mhmm." She nodded and sat down in the big comfy chair to my left and put the coffee on the table between us.

"I see.." I smirked, "so who's idea was it to have crappy poetry readings before lunch?"

She laughed loudly enough to catch the attention of Deborah who spilled some coffee grounds on the floor.

"Mmm that would be his as well. I told him people don't wanna listen to that this early. At least wait till after 2 to barrage them with that crap."

I laughed. I like this girl, nice sense of humor.

"Well maybe get a suggestion box. A couple thousand random customers might be able to change his mind."

"You know, I did, and the suggestion of the suggestion box was denied... Many times..."

Her body language matched mine, we were both leaning forward enwrapped in the conversation. Giggling like we were little kids.

We talked for two whole hours. Critiquing the hipsters and their desperate and horrible poetry. We didn't even touch our coffees.... Well by the time we did, they were cold and all the sugar settled at the bottom.

She checked her watch.

"Oh crap, I'm late!" She stood up "Umm.. Im sorry I have to leave." I stood up too. Then mentally asked myself why I did that.

"It was wonderful meeting you... Umm im sorry I never got your name.."

I smiled "Jamie"

"Right! Well, Jamie, come back sometime soon ok?" Then she practically ran to the door.

"Uh.. But!"

Shit! I never got her name... Damn it..

I thought for a second and realized that I couldn't come back here. It would be an hour drive from my dorm room. And as much fun as this was, with my car not doing so well, and after this road trip I promised it we'd only use it for emergencies.

To add to my annoyance, some new girl was up on stage and she was even louder than than the other wannabe poets. Proclaiming to the world how everything could be related to the physical desires that our flesh, blah blah.

I left the coffee shop. Got in the honda and stared angrily at the steering wheel.

After a solid 5 minutes of angry staring I sighed and started my baby up. I drove out of the parking lot and down the road towards my dorm thinking I'd never see her again. But a part of me, a part deep down inside that I should've listened to more, knew that I would.

The Love of My Life (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now