Saying goodbye

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We spent the whole day together just kissing, telling each other we were sorry, and saying how much we had missed the other.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear.

She giggled. "Mmm, love you more, babe."

I loved when she called me 'babe'. It was so possessive. Like I belonged to her, and, if I had any say in it, I always would.

"Mmm hungry love?" I said wrapping my arms around her neck.

"For who?"

"Very funny. For food."

She giggled, "Oh food! Right, well, yes then."


I untangled myself from her and pulled her off of her bed. Taking her hand, I led her too the kitchen.

"So.... Sandwiches?"

She chuckled, "Well whose gonna make them? You or me?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well, whoever makes them, has to be the bitch in the relationship."

I laughed a little and jumped up to sit on the counter.

She came over and hugged me.

"Well in that case you'll be making them." I said with a smirk.

"Hell no, babe! You know you're mah bitch." she said kissing my clavicle.

I sighed. Wow that felt good.

She kissed me a few more times and sucked on my neck in this one spot that just made my blood boil with desire.

A little moan escaped my lips and she stopped and backed away.

It made me sad. I didn't like not touching her.

"Come on, Jay, lets make some sandwiches."


"Jay?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her.

She smiled and flipped her hair from over one shoulder, to the other. Gawd thats sexy.

"Well yeah. Short for Jamie."

I smiled more. I usually hated knick names, but if it came from her, it didn't sound so bad.

I jumped off the counter and leaned against it, watching her.

She opened the fridge up and started scanning for ingredients she could use. I just watched her ass. I don't know how she got it to look so perfect, but whatever she did worked. Maybe it was the shorts that came right up to her cheeks and hugged her just right. Maybe it was the thong she was wearing that peeked thru where her shirt had risen up.

"Stop looking at my butt babe." She said without even looking at me.

I chuckled.

"Cant. Its too perfect."

She grabbed the sandwich stuff and threw it on the counter behind me and leaned up against me with her arms wrapping around my waist. Our faces only inches away. I put my arms around her and put them in the pockets of her shorts.

She chuckled, "Better start that sandwich, bitch."

"Mmm.. make me.." I said before I kissed her.

"Geez do you make out with everyone." Came an annoyingly bitchy voice from behind me. That blonde roommate o Becca's...

I sighed as Becca pulled away from me and started making sandwiches. She was great at faking that she was ok. She was still smiling slightly, but I knew she was remembering me and her roommate.

"Mmm sandwiches. Yall been fucking?"

Her tone ticked me off. She in general ticked me off.

I spun around and slammed my fists on the counter. Both the other girls jumped.

"How bout you shut the fuck up! K!?"

She looked at me shocked.

"Jay! What is wrong with you?"

I looked at Becca glaring. She could probably see fire behind the green in my eyes.

"She's being a bitch." I said thru barred teeth.

I saw a little fury shoot thru her eyes too.

"She's hot..."

She said it the same way I had said it to her 3 months ago.

And just like that I went from being furious to being completely embarrassed and ashamed.

She saw that and looked sad. I guess she felt bad for making me feel bad. But shouldn't she? I was always such a hot head and a jerk.

We both looked down.

The blonde was apparently oblivious to the silent conversation.

"So now you think I'm hot too, Becca?"

"No, I don't, jenny."

"But you just said..."

She just sighed and walked into her room all keyed up from frustration and closed the door.

"Geez whats her problem."

I was pissed again at that comment, but I tried to control it better this time.

"Jenny, listen Id appreciate it if you just don't talk to me ever again ok?"

She scoffed, "whats that supposed to mean? you're the one who started this whole thing!"

"I know" I growled, "But this is me finishing it. Im saying goodbye."

She looked annoyed


She walked back into her room and slammed the door.

It was weird breaking up with someone I hadn't even fucked.

Which reminded me... I have a lot more break ups to conduct....

I sighed and looked down at the unfinished sandwiches. Smiling a little, a finished making them and took them over to Becca's door. I knocked.

Then it was quiet, but I heard her get off her bed and walk over to open the door.

I held the sandwiches up as a sort of peace offering.

She looked back and forth between me and the gift. Her eyes were narrow. mentally arguing wether or not she should let me in.

She sighed dramatically and pushed the door open

"Finnnnee... but only cause your admitting you're my bitch.."

I just laughed and went and sat on the floor next to her bed.

She sat down next to me as I realized this was super uncomfortable, so I grabbed some pillows off the bed to lean against.

We just giggled and ate the sandwiches. We didn't even talk. We didn't have to. Our chemistry was so in tune that all it took was a look, and we knew what the other one was thinking. I never had anyone in my life who I could do that with. We just clicked. We were best friends. I really couldn't believe I had wasted 3 months trying to avoid what it was I so desperately needed.

I owed Jason big for that.

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