Nice to meet you!

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I gripped the steering wheel as hard as I could as I parked Lexi in the Stevens driveway.

"Jay, relax. They already love you."

"Bullshit! Im tainting their daughter!" I yelled.

She laughed and leaned over the center consul to kiss me lovingly.

"You're loving their daughter. Furthermore you make their daughter very happy. Thats all that matters to them."

I licked my lips. They tasted like her and I loved that. My grip on the wheel loosened.

"Come on scaredy cat!" she said opening the door.

I sighed one last time, shook my head, and climbed out my own door.

She practically ran up the steps, then she started pushing the door bell over and over.

The door opened and a fairly beautiful woman came to open it. She had hair the same color as Becca's, but it was shorter, only about shoulder length. As soon as she saw Becca, they started jumping around in circles and hugging.

I walked up slowly.

"I didn't know you had a sister too." I said a little confused.

They both stopped and looked at me for a second.... Then they broke out into hysterical laughter.

I guess I made a faux pa....?

When Becca stopped laughing finally, she said, "Jay, this is my mom! Mom, Jamie."

I felt really dumb. It was her mom? I should've guessed. But to be fair, she looked amazing for her age. Plus I had no idea how mothers and daughters were supposed to interact. They seemed so close.

"Oh... well nice to meet you mrs. Stevens...."

She hugged me. I awkwardly stood there, telepathically asking Becca what I should do. She just smiled and bit on her knuckle. One of her many nervous habits.

She finally stopped hugging me and held me at arms length.

"The names Mary," yeah right! I had been trained to never call an elder by their first name. I wasn't going to call her Mary. "..and I'm flattered that you think I look young enough to be Rebecca's sister."

Now I was really confused. Rebecca? oh! Becca's full name. Right. Im an idiot. Thats so obvious.

"Now!" she clapped her hands together.

It scared me enough to jump a little.

"Your fathers in taking a shower. He just finished mowing the lawn. And your brother won't be here till 6:30."

I assumed she was talking to Becca, but she was looking at both of us when she said it.

"Ok." Becca said lacing her fingers in my own, "So we have a couple of hours then."

I could feel my face get a little red. Her mom didn't even seem to notice that we were holding hands though. I forgot to task Becca about the touch policy.

"Well come on in. You can give Jamie a tour and then come and help me start dinner."

She led us inside and then went to the kitchen. Then Becca pulled me around the downstairs showing me all the rooms.

It was your basic house. The living room had a big tv and the decorations were a struggle between family photos and sports teams paraphernalia. The dining room was spacious and had a big table. I assumed they entertained fairly often. The kitchen was basic but modern. The fridge still had drawings on it from when Becca and her brother Ben were little. Ben had drawn a pizza bouncy castle, and Becca's was a picture of Ben that was titled "my dum bruther".

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