The Past is Always With Us

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I closed her door quietly behind me and waltzed over to my own. I was about to turn the handle when someone basically tackled me into the wall.

"FUCK!" I hate it when people hug me from behind. Most people think its romantic. It just scares the hell out of me.

"Hey boo."

Crap... I thought she'd be gone by now.

"Hey, love." I said. I tried desperately to remember her name.... EMILY! That was it.. Em for short. "What do you want, Em?" I tried to disguise the annoyance in my voice.

"Aww.. Boo why do ya say it like that?"

I hated being called 'boo'. It felt demeaning... Like I was property.. Like I was owned by someone other than myself.. And if I had any say in it, I never would be.

"Well im kinda busy, Em. Gotta move in and all."

She squeezed my waist tighter from behind.

"Mmm want me to help you?"

"Ha! Please! If your there I won't get anything done."

"Mmm well maybe you'll get me done."

I could hear her smile in the way she said it. Trying to sound sexy and appealing. But she wasn't appealing. Not in the slightest.... I had been done with her last year, and now she was here again to fuck up my plans.

"Listen... Em.."

I turned to face her and held her at arms length. Her face looked slightly confused, but in her eyes I saw that she knew this was coming.

"...You know its over."

She did.

"What do you mean?"

Gawd did she have to drag this out?

"You know what I mean, Em. Were just friends. No benefits."

She looked down with a pouty face. Most likely trying to make me feel bad. All I felt was relief though.

She sighed,"Well then. Thats really too bad..."

She looked at me with fury

".. For you!"

I laughed. Shit! I sounded like a jerk.... but then again I was a jerk.

"You keep laughing! Keep partying! Keep making these girls fall for you then breaking their hearts and throwing them away!" Her body started shaking with rage. "Cause ONE DAY, it'll be JUST YOU! All ALONE! And then, you'll WISH I was here for you!"

She slapped me after that and walked away. I stood there for a couple seconds. I had heard that same speech from dozens of girls. So I was kind of used to it. I used to worry. Not so much anymore. I didnt care.

I turned around and walked into my dorm. Jason was unpacking some junk onto the table the tv was on.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, sighing heavy. I grabbed the remote and switched on the tv and started flipping thru the channels, scanning for something to watch.

I saw Jason laugh out of the corner of my eye. He came and say next to me as my finger pushed the button faster and faster.

"So, having love trouble?" he asked putting his arm over the back of the couch and facing me.

"What makes you say that?" I asked in a sneer.

He laughed.

"Well for one that angry look on your face."

I sighed loudly.

"And secondly, I think youre going to wear that poor remote out before its time comes."

He took the remote out of my hand an switched the tv off. I glared angrily him, but he just smiled at me.

"You know, I bet you'd look a lot prettier with a smile."

He used his thumb and index finger to push the sides of my mouth up into a smile.

I glared at him even more.

He broke out in a fit of laughter. It was so loud, that I could feel the couch shake from the vibrations.

"Geezus! Could you be louder, Jason?"

He laughed more.

"So!" he finally said once he'd stopped, "Whats his name?"

I sighed and leaned back. I suppose he was a nice enough guy. I usually didn't talk about the things that annoyed me, I just had sex with them.

"Her names Becca."

Wait I thought I was talking about Emily? Why am I telling him about Becca?

"Oh!" He said leaning back a little. "Your bi?"

I turned my head and looked at him.

"Lesbian actually. Sorry but guys aren't pretty enough to catch my attention. I've only sleep with them when I'm really REALLY drunk."

He laughed, "Well then I guess you and I will have to get really REALLY drunk together then." He said with a wink.

I just rolled my eyes.

He chuckled some more,"so Becca."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Becca..."

"So are you two having relationship issues?"

"Well...." I sat up and looked at him. "Were not exactly in a relationship."

"So you wanna ask her out?"

"Well yeah... but not really.."

"Well you do or dont you?"

I put my hands over my face and sighed deeply.

"I dont know.... I've never felt like this before.."

He sat back and didn't say anything for a while.


"Well damn, Jay..."


"Well....." he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "...are you in love?"

"HA!" I yelled sarcastically "I.. DONT fall in love..."

He chuckled, "hmmm well I mean... if you've never felt this before than maybe thats just what it is? hmm?"

I stared at him for a bit... Well glared more like.. Ha! To even suggest ME being in love... I fell in love for a week tops.. And then it was more like being in love with how they made me feel. I wasn't in love.. I was...

"In love..." A little voice from deep inside me said.

"Shut up..." I said out loud

"Well ok." Jason responded "Its just an opinion."

" No.. not.... oh never mind.."

He laughed again, shaking the couch. I smiled. I've never meet anyone who laughed that loud.

"See theres that smile!" he said to me with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Well, I've got to finish unpacking..."

"Yeah me too... Hey! Wanna help me bring up another box?"

"Another one!? Geezus, Jason, you have as much junk as a girl!"

He laughed more. He was certainly a happy-go-lucky kinda guy. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

I walked into my room, and closed the door. Plugging my phone in to the charge stand, I turned on some music and looked for something to do to help distract me from that little voice inside me that wouldn't shut up...

The Love of My Life (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now