That darn map

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You watched everyone get out of the zap portal. You even saw Yugo and Ruel's fall.

Ruel tried to play it cool, but Dally called him out on it.

"Stop acting like kids, if we want to reach Oma, it in our best interests to get along and to stick together." Eva scolded the boys.

"You're right Eva, we didn't start on an adventure to end up bickering like some spoiled princesses." Amalia agreed.

'If Eva doesn't take a chill pill soon, I'll force her to take one.'

"Right, how about we visit Kelba Market, huh?" Yugo excitedly suggested to the group.

Before anyone could respond, Yugo begame running to Kelba Market yelling -

"Last one there is a mangy Gobball."

You were like, alright I'll take up this challenge. So you raced Yugo all the way to Kelba market.

When you and Yugo reached Kelba Market, Yugo began looking around, boasting about the Market in general. You were also looking around, buying yourself a snack or a hundred.

You all heard a fart sound and immediately turned to Amalia. 

"You sound like a brook Amalia." Yugo started.

"Yeah, not very lady like." Dally finished.

"But it wasn't me!"

All of the sudden the merchants started screaming something about the black crow, and closed up shop immediately.

The Black crow swooped down, almost hitting Yugo, and destroyed some of the shops.

Everyone prepared for a second attack as the black crow swooped down. He didn't attack but that didn't stop you from latching onto him. He didn't notice you, and retreated.

When he finally noticed you, his cover was blown. You swore to him that you wouldn't tell, and asked to just see the shop.

You bought a spacious haven bag and a few outfits before Yugo and the other's came.

Soon you and the others were wondering about the powers of this map. 

The merchant showed you the powers of the map, and offered it to you for free if you took down the Black crow.

~Mini time skip to after the little spat~

"Well done kid, You've earned the map." Kabrok said to Yugo, taking off his helmet.

"Poor Kabrok! Who's gonna help the Black Crow regain his honor?" Eva said sadly.

Yugo walked up next to Kabrok and stood there.

" You have amazing powers little one, and courage as well. With a little more experience, you'll make an incredible adventurer." Kabrok told Yugo.

"It's true that I've still got a long way to go before I'm as strong as you. It took five of us to take you down, after all." Yugo stated.

Just then Kabrok's wife caught him red-handed. Yugo then ran back to the group to let them talk in private.

"That was excellent work with your portals Yugo, maybe I don't need to train you after all." You told Yugo as the group began to walk away.

"Hey, that's not true! I'm sure you have a lot of things to teach me." Yugo rebutted.

"Hmm, maybe I'll just leave the group if you're that good."

"Could you two stop flirting for a second, and help me get this map to work!" Dally yelled.

"We're not flirting!" Yugo screamed at Dally, embarrassed.

"Really Yugo, I was actually flirting with you." You teased pocking Yugo's shoulders.

"Stop teasing me (Y/N), and just flatter the map Dally!" Yugo screamed even more embarrassed, pulling away from your pocking.

"Oh great and wonderful map, oh beautiful map, could you show us the way." Dally said in a rather bored tone.

"No!" The map told him.

"You're really lousy at flattery Dally." Amalia laughed.

~To be continued~

Wow haven't updated this is awhile, welp the next chapter is coming soon so stay tuned, ciao!

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