Holding the world together

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I love you Keith! Can't wait for season 6!

Grougaloragran flew to the beach with all of you on his back.

There you saw Nox's clock, oh how much you wanted to rip it to shreds.

"Grougaloragran, I'm pleased to see you again. Sorry for the delay." Nox said to Grougaloragran with glee.

"I'm sorry for not ripping you to shreds the last time I saw you!" You growled at Nox.

"Now now, little Elitrope. You'll have your turn soon, and if you don't keep your mouth shut I'll have to spill a little secret of yours." Nox scolded you.

"Ha like you would know any!"

"Do you wanna try me?"

"I -"

You were cut off by Koral putting her hand over your mouth.

"He may actually know something, something that the others shouldn't know." She explained to you.

You nodded your head and shut your mouth.

"Come one guys, lets show him what we're made of!" Yugo shouted.

Everyone headed in for the attack but was stopped by Grougaloragran.

"You warm Grougaloragran's old heart! But this battle is not your's to fight. See you soon, my little brothers!" Grougaloragran said to you all before teleporting you away.

"Grougal no!" Adamai and Yugo shouted in deep worry.


Grougaloragran had teleported you all to an frozen dessert, or better known as a tundra.

Everyone went into Ruel's haven bag besides you and Koral.

"Come on Koral, lets go in my haven bag." You told her, pulling out your haven bag.

"Oh yes, I was afraid I would have to go in that old man's haven bag. I can smell the stench from here!" Koral exclaimed, jumping into your haven bag.

You both soon settled in and started talking about Eliatrope and Dragon things.

"I can't wait for you to become the official Eliatrope queen. Oh and how did Yugo propose to you, I've been dieing to know!"

You paused for a second considering whether or not to tell your sister, but you ended up deciding to tell her anyway.

"You already know it was on the night that the Mechasims final attack happened, but I'll give you some more details."

"Hurry up, I wanna know!"

"Alright alright, so this ring I always wear on my ring finger is the one he proposed to me with."

"Really, it looks like an actual wedding ring!"

"Thats probably because we were already sort of married but not married? How do I explain it, hm, like how I was unofficially the queen. He probably wanted to show off his soon to be wife."

"Ok, tell me about the proposal."

"It was on top of a hill and we were cuddling. I noticed he was a bit nervous so I asked him what was wrong. He told me he had a question. It took him a while to finally ask me to marry. He didn't even slip the ring on my finger till right before he went to battle Organax." You told Koral, using wakfu manipulation to help her visualize what happened.

"So what did he exactly say to you?"

"He said - you've been unofficially queen for to long ... I'm asking if you would become my queen, I'm asking will you marry me? - and I jumped on him and kissed him."

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