Entering Brakmar

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This is an icon I made of my son while I was gone. Its may not be the cleanest but its still good in my opinion.

The name on the icon is for my amino, my tumblr is anyyoshi.

Sorry for the wait.


You were all sledding down a mountain at a fast pace, trying to avoid the avalanche coming for you.

You were on your own sled while everyone else was packed onto one.

Also you were enjoying the moment instead of being afraid. It was just the rush of adrenaline that made it so exciting.

But, that adrenaline came to a halt when your makeshift sled came out from under your feet as you were about to reach the Zap portal.

Luckily you fell through the portal woth the rest of the group and landed in Brakmar.


As you all popped out of the pile of snow, Yugo noticed a line.

Ruel explained to him that it was a toll both, and that they had to pay to get in.


"A large family ticket, please. With the reduced charge." Ruel said to the countér smiling, hoping he would by the bluff.

"These are your children? They don't look much like you." The countér pointed out, not buying it.

Oh but Ruel knew how to sell his biscuits, even if it wasn't the best.

"Some characteristics can jump a few generations, don't you know." Ruel explained to the countér, before turning to Amalia.

"Pay the gentleman for the tickets daughter." Ruel smiled widely, knowing Amalia couldn't refuse.

Amalia sighed angrily before saying "Yes father." And handing the countér the bag of Kamas.

The countér let down the gate into Brakmar, letting you pass through.

Ruel keeped up the act for a lit bit, dropping it after you got on the train(?).

Everyone was talking, something about Dally and Ruel, but you weren't paying them any attention as you enjoyed the scenery.

Your enjoyment was short lived as the train(?) took an abrupt dive straight down.

You all screamed as the craziness continued, with Dally holding onto Amalia's hair so he didn't fly off.


The ride was over as soon as it started, leaving you sick in the stomach.

"Looks like it's not going down anymore." Dally commented as the cart(?I don't even now anymore¿) slowed down to stop.

"Say Dally, are you going to narrate everything?" Ruel jokingly asked, as you all looked at the market place.

They were selling a variety of things in deals, from axes to two assassinations for the price of one.

You all got off the cart and watched the potion showing not to far away.

"Its the city of sin." Eva commented dullfully.

"Hey, it be easy for me to get work here." You muttered to yourself, thinking of the varieties of ways you could scam- I mean help people.

Eva gave you a weird look but ignored what you said, probably cause she was done and a side of French toast with the city already.

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