Previous life : Part 5 : The Finale?

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"I want a full course meal, and I don't mean my husband!" You shouted at the chefs who laughed in response, but still hastily made you what you requested.

Meanwhile Orchid had sat you on the couch and placed a blanket over your lap.

"What was your idea about the poison Milady?" Orchid was fast to ask you, her worry growing by the minute just looking how pale you've become.

"It's deadly for one."

"Milady! Now isn't the time to be making jokes when your life is on the line!"

You huffed, resting your weight on the couch as you relaxed. "That is precisely why I'm making jokes, to lighten the mood and keep me sane."

"But my lady-"

"No buts! I can't think in my grave with an empty stomach!" You winced at your own joke, maybe it was a bit too lighthearted for your current situation.

Although being poisoned was a regular thing for you, it had never effected your wellbeing this much.

You were shaking from being cold and your skin was pale, and that says a lot for a tanned skin person. You were beginning to worry about yourself, and that wasn't a good start.

"My queen, I've made your favorite."

"If it's not steak you're fired."

The chef chuckled a bit. He knew you were joking but that didn't stop him from being at least a little bit scared.

"Good thing it is steak my queen. I don't know how I'd find another job as good as this one!"

"Yep, now give me my food before I die in an early grave." The chef raised a brow at you but said nothing as he sat the plate on your lap.

You quickly dug into the meal and finished it with a big burp. There was a problem though, you were still FLIPPING hungry. That shouldn't have happened.

You specifically ate steak for its restoration properties!

When eating, a person consumes the Wakfu that was in their food and adds it to their own Wakfu stores. Red meat was especially high in Wakfu, which is why you specifically wanted a steak.

"This poison will be the death of me ... "

"My lady!" Orchid shook your shoulders, her eyes glossing over with tears. "Please do not say such things! What will the king think?!"

She was right, just what will Yugo think or even say for that matter?

You had come so close to marriage this lifetime, how would he react if you just died so suddenly?

You shook your head, you didn't want to find out.

"He will have nothing to think of." You shooed her off with a gesture of your hand. Now wasn't the time to dwell on the possible outcomes.

"Take me to Chibi, we've got work to do."


"What in the goddess's name is it?" Chibi groaned as he shook himself awake. You felt a bit guilty of robbing him of what little sleep he gets, but your life was on the line.

"I've ... got an idea about the second part of the ... poison."

Your movements were beginning to slow. This was worse than bad, it was horrible.

The next step would be your ability to process and retain information, then overall movement.

This poison needed to be cured and fast.

Chibi took one look at you and ushered you to lay down on the (somehow) still frozen bed of ice.

"You want me to just ... lay it on you ... or give you the process."

"Lay it on me before I have to lay you in a grave."

You nodded your head. "Duelly noted bro."

You moved your hands on top of your lap with your palms facing up. There was an attempt, a serious attempt, to use your magic. But nothing came from your hands, not even a small spark of light.

"The first half of that poison was infused with various herbs along with Marianne's and her baby's Wakfu."

Chibi raised a brow.


"Do you want me to live? I can just die trying to answer your questions."

Chibi gave a short apology. You cleared your throat and continued your explanation.

"The second half has to sap the Wakfu out of life like a parasite. All regular herbs or bugs would sap energy for a defined period of time, none we know of act like this. And I think I know why."

"Please do tell, I want to save your life."

You laugh at your brother's various attempts to cheer you up, but the nagging feeling of not being able to move your toes kept you grounded.

The poison was working fast, too fast.

"There is one thing that forever saps the Wakfu out of other lifeforms, Death. And you can only get that from one thing."

A shiver visibly ran down Chibi's spine as he spoke the answer.

"A person in death's hands."

You nodded.

"Marianne transferred the mark of death from someone else to me. The reason why Orchid is fine is because death only comes for one person at a time. The first half of the poison applies to all who drank the sacred wine, the second half was just for me."

Chibi took a second to digest all the information given to him.

The mark of death was now on you, the only reason you lasted so long was because you are the child of two full gods and the mark isn't actually yours.

"Who do you think the Mark is originally from?"

You sighed. "My best guess is Marianne's baby daddy. She's crazy for Yugo and the man who impregnated her is very likely to be someone she attempted to murder."

"So find the baby daddy and transfer the mark back to him?"

"Most likely. My talents are in life energy manipulation, death is something you shouldn't toy with. Marianne had to sacrifice something, something important, to do the transfer. Until we figure that out, I'll stay dying."

Chibi took a deep breath, and you took it as a sign to quickly cover your sensitive ears.


And come they did. If was only a matter of seconds before the door was burst down with the flurry of people trying to enter it at once.

"We came bitch, now explain why my sister looks like she's on her death bed."

You welcomed Koral with a joke. "Because I am."

And with that, Koral was out cold on the floor. It was one less angry and upset dragon to deal with, so you hadn't particularly cared and left her to sleep.

Yugo rushed to hug you but Chibi stopped him.

"She's actually dying Yugo, and if you all want to save her, we need to act fast."

Adamai put Koral on the couch and left her to rest. It was clear from the look in his eyes he was determined to get you healed for his wife's sake.

"What's the plan of action?"

To be continued

Sike this isn't the last part. I thought it was going to be but damn did I underestimate this side story.

Next part is coming soon!



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