Chapter-2 Operation Aish

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(C/N)-Clone Name

You enter your quarters and pull off your helmet. Tomorrow your supposed to train then eat with team JNPR to get to know them and their fighting style. You see Inmate on the top of one of the bunks so you decide to chat with him. There's not much to talk about, other than fighting Grimm, destroying the seppies and girls.

It started getting a bit late, you stripped off you armour and went to bed.

The next day you woke up to a fellow clone shaking you awake.

Clone-"Hey, wake up, we've got to go to training."

You-"Got it"

You stirred and got up, the clone who woke you had plain armor as well. You put on your armour and made your way to the arena.

You-"So, who are you?"

Clone-"I'm CT-5411, your 7734 right.

You-"That's right."

On your walk to the arena you just chatted on how training would go and what it would be like. When the two of you arrived you parted ways, you went to find JNPR. Once you found them you went to their leader and saluted.

You-"CT-7734 reporting as ordered ma'am."

You could tell she didn't know what to do.

Pion-"No need for formalities (C/N)."

He came up to you and you lowered your salute.

Pion-"Grab a weapon, (C/N). We're setting up your match now."

You-"Against who sir."

Pion-"You'll face a couple of simple beowolfs."

You-"A couple?"

Pion-"Around 8."

You grabbed your DC-15a and went into the arena. JNPR followed you. There's a large gate in front of you. They ready their weapons and you aim your blaster.

Pion-"Release the Grimm."

The gate opens and 8 beowolfs run at you. You open fire taking out 2 of the Grimm. Pyrrha and Ren went to the left flank and Nora and Jaune went to the right. Pyrrha and Ren were fighting two and same with Jaune and Nora.

A one of the unoccupied beowolfs ran at you, you rolled out of the way and shot it. The other unoccupied one charged you and sent you flying. You groan and you see the beowolf pounce, you quickly grab your blaster and shove it in the mouth of the beowolf to prevent it from biting and mauling you. Pyrrha tackled the beowolf and stabbed it in the neck with her spear.

You got up and thanked her. The other beowolfs had been dealt with.

Pion-"Pretty impressive, head to the cafeteria and get some R&R."

You salutes him and went with JNPR to the cafeteria. They sat down with another team. You sat down next to Ren.

Pyrrha-"(C/N) this is Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Blake. Team RWBY this is our partner (C/N)."

You-"Pleasure to meet you."

You sat and ate and conversed with the two teams. Then Inmate came running in.

Inmate-"(C/N), we have a situation!"

You-"What's going on?"

Inmate-"I don't know, they need all available clones immediately."

You put on your helmet and ran out with Inmate while the others looked at you confused and concerned.

Aish-"Lord Dooku, our forces have assembled earlier than expected, the invasion is commencing."

Dooku-"Don't fail me General. It is crucial you win this battle."

Aish-"Don't worry, I will serve you the planet on a silver platter."


I know these have been a little short, I'm just trying to keep you guys interested and updated.

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