Chapter 4- Hold the Line

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You hopped aboard an LAAT with Inmate, RWBY, and 12 other clones. The CIS assault on Vale has already begun, you along with 15-20 other gunships are going in to reinforce them with T-19 fighter support.

You reach Vale and Vulture Droids launch their attack on you. T-19s start engaging the Vultures. You look out the little windows of the gunship doors, two Vultures take out two LAATs one of which was Commander Pions. You watch the Pions gunship crash into the ground, but you see multiple clones crawl out of the wreckage.

Your LAAT, and 5 others, with two tank transports drop off troops, supplies, and AT-TE's to a evacuation checkpoint. Your supposed to defend the evac zone until further notice. The tanks walk to position your force of 60 clones set up a perimeter. Evacuees start going through the checkpoint. As they pass through you give them directions to the Republic Refugee camp. Your position is important to hold because if it falls the Separatists will have easy access to the camp.

Two hours go by, the evacuees start to slow down, and you can tell Ruby and Yang are getting bored. After the last 50 evacuees are going through you see a couple of kids crying alone at the end of the crowd. You walk up to help them. You hear a rumbling and others notice it too.


The evacuees run and scramble over each other. A Hyena drops multiple bombs, one hits a tank, another misses, and one hits right at the end of the crowd. People scream in shock or pain.


The survivors run and don't stop, you and RWBY and the other clones get into defensive positions. You scan the bodies of civilians and look for survivors, all of them are dead, limbs are missing, brains, guts, and blood paint the streets. You see Ruby get sick and look away.

In the distance marching can be hear. An army of droids appear marching down the street, two AATs backing them up. Your remaining tank starts firing at the tank destroying one and several droids.

You-"Fire! Scrap those clankers!"

The troops open up fire. You fire your DC-15a hitting a few droids. The AT-TE manages to take out the other tank. Laser bolts go flying left and right. Some clones go down. But you keep up the pressure

The droid advance has stopped, but hundreds more are one the way. You have around 35 troops left.

You-"Someone call for backup!"

A clone gets on a radio and calls for backup. You hear him chatting over the radio.

Radio-"We can't spare any reinforcements, Pions dead and multiple positions have fallen, most troopers are falling back to the Republic Camp."

The clone looks at you, you can't see his face but you know it's full of concern.

Ruby-"So, what do we do?"

You-"We hold the line."

RWBY seemed shocked by your answer.

Weiss-"Are you insane, we can't stay here we'll die!"

You-"If you wish to leave you can, but those who stay shall fight to their last breathe."

Not a single clone moved from their defensive positions. RWBY stood their thinking.

Blake-"I'll fight."


Yang-"Me too"

Ruby-"Me too!"

Weiss stood their not knowing what to do.

The droids returned marching down the street, this time with more tanks and B2 droids.

Weiss grumbled and got into position with the other.

Your final AT-TE went down when a droid launched a rocket at it. You rushed over and grabbed the driver who was wounded, the gunner grabbed a blaster and got ready to fight. The blaster fire erupted. You held the line not giving up.

After an hours the droids advance closer, you, Inmate and 20 more clones remain. You gather 4 clones and tell them to get RWBY and the wounded driver out of there, they salute and drag them away from the battle. Clones are expendable, hunters and huntresses can never be replaced, they have family and friends.

More hours pass, Inmates been killed, you and 3 clones remain a few being the AT-TE gunner and the clone that was on the radio. The droids are almost to you, and your prepared to die.

Radio-"Our forces have reassembled and reinforcements have arrived!"

Y-Wings fly over head and bomb the droid. Then hundred of clones come from behind to reinforce you. An hour later the droids have been defeated. You and the 3 remaining clones are called by Ozpin, and Captain Rex.

The four of you arrived and saluted them.

Rex-"At ease. We have noticed the deeds done by you and your fellow clones. I am sorry to say you 4 were the only surviving clones of the 60 sent to defend the checkpoint. But you held the line anyway, you showed bravery and courage in the face of defeat, which is why we're happy to reward you with the rank of ARC troopers!"

You recoil in shock and the others seem just as shocked as you.


You leave with your new fellow ARC troopers.



I want to address the names of your new fellow ARC troopers

Ex AT-TE gunner- Gunnery

Radio Clone- Tex

The one unnamed barely mention clone- Trinity

I will try to have the ARC designs for you and the other clones up tomorrow. I don't have any ARC template things so I'll just use regular Phase 1 and if I decide to go into Phase 2 armour I'll use regular P2 templates as well.

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