Execute Order 66

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"I am CT-7734, also known as (Y/N) or Rouge. I have been stationed on Remnant for about 5 months now. And have made quite the life here. It's peaceful. The battle sure has taken a tole on Remnant. People are still rebuilding, they're still trying to...make their lives as it once was. Uh...hell... Remnant is safe. And will hopefully stay safe for a long time. These people deserve to live peacefully. As does everyone else in the galaxy....damn...it's hard to talk on the spot."

You pressed the off button on the camera and lean back in your chair. Tex has suggested you try to do some video logs. It's not easy. You stand up and outstretch my arms letting out a long yawn. Your rooms at Beacon sure were nicer than anywhere else you had been. Especially Geonosis, damn that place sucked.

You grab your helmet and place it on top of your head. Though it had been a while since you were supplied with the new armor you were still unbelievably thankful for it.

You exit your room and enter the hallway. Jedi Padawan and General Wukong had called for you to meet him. He may be naive at times, but you saw great potential in him, and trusted him a lot.

General Wukong is the second in command on Remnant, right after General Ozpin, even though he doesn't have the force.

The 501st had left 2 months after the Battle, and in its place lies your unit, you're a Regimental Commander of the 236th Regimental Combat Garrison, promoted graciously after your encounter with General Grievous. Your unit goes by a couple nicknames, Remnant Liberators, Remnant Regiment, and Remnants Guards.

You make your way up to the balcony where General Wukong wants to meet you. The long pristine halls going on for seemingly ever. You pass familiar faces, Yang, Jaune, even Roman and Neo earned a place in Beacon.

You turn and make your way up some steps to the balcony. General Wukong is there waiting, leaning against the railing staring into the beautiful landscape below. He notices you and spins around.

"Commander (Y/N)!" He exclaims, "Just the man I'm looking for!"

You chuckled under your helmet. He was never one for formalities.

"Yes sir, what seems to be the issue." You reply.

He opens his mouth to speak, but is swiftly interrupted by you. You're getting an urgent message from the Chancellor himself. You pull out your holoprojector.

"Sorry about this sir"

"It's no problem, take your time." He responds and turns back towards the scenery.

You turn on your projector and before you is the chancellor in a dark cloak and hood. He says three simple words.

"Execute Order SixtySix"

Something inside you snaps, your mind starts spinning, you stare at the Jedi monkey Faunus infront of you. You can't comprehend anything. Everything around you goes dark. The only thing there is the......


You raise your blaster pistol and aim it right at the back of his head.

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