Final Chapter- Expendable

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You wake up in an unfamiliar room. You sit up and look around your memories soon coming back to you . You stretch and yawn, then put on a black hoodie, and jeans. You exited you room to see Roman on the couch.

Roman-"Morning Rouge."

You-"Hey, I haven't gone rouge!"

Roman-"Your debating it."

His face turns smug and you don't say anything. Roman turn on the news and it talks about Menagerie.

Reporter-"The Liberation of Menagerie has come to a halt, with the death of Separatist General Aish a new General has taken command and his tactics are much more brutal and effective then Aishes."

The screen cuts to a video of droids attacking a Republic outpost in the fog.

Those tactics are familiar. Then in the background you notice a 4 faint flows of blue and green lightsabers. Then it hits you.


Roman looks at you confused by your outburst.

You-"I've been a soldier for a long time, you start to learn your enemy's tactics, the 4 lightsabers, those tactics. Grievous is on Remnant!"

Roman chuckled.

Roman-"I'm sure I could take him."

You pull up a hologram image if Grievous fighting multiple Jedi and winning.

Roman doesn't look as smug as he did.

You-"We've got to get to Menagerie!"

Roman-"Whooooa. We just got out of that shithole and now you want us to go back?"

You-"I need you, and Neos help. Grievous has fought Jedi and clones, but fighting Jedi, clones, and Hunters, we'll destroy him!"

Roman-"For one, we aren't Hunters, two, what really makes you think we can beat him?"

You-"Well if the Gungan army, with their awful soldiers and technology can capture him using numbers, I'm sure we can being competent and skilled fighters."

Roman-"Hm, I'm still not sure."

You-"You'll be payed."


You, Neo, and Roman all got prepared. You grabbed an DC-15s and a vibro-ax you found in the apartment while the other two got their normal equipment.

The three of you ran to the docks to board a ship to Menagerie. You boarded the ship and once you arrived in Menagerie, ran to the Menagerie Republic HQ. Two clones halted you outside the entrance.

Clone-"Who are you and what do the three of you want."

You-"I am ARC-7734 and I have vital information that needs to get to Ki-Adi Mundi ASAP."

The guards stepped aside and let you through. You run into the Strategic Operations room. You run to Ki-Adi Mundi and salute.

You-"ARC-7734 reporting with vital intel sir!"

Mundi-"Ah, well let's hear it trooper."

You-"General Grievous is here! On Remnant! Which means we have the perfect opportunity to capture and or eliminate him!"

Mundi-"Ah, and how do we do that?"

You-"Well if he was defeated by the weak Gungan army by shear numbers, we can get, Jedi, clones,and Hunters, like these two, to work together and overwhelm Grievous we can deal a crippling blow to the CIS and regain Remnant! All we need to do is get Grievous isolated then ambush him!"

Mundi-"Hm, very good trooper, I'll assemble a team, meet me at landing platform B-17, I'll handle the rest."

You-"Aye sir!"

You leave and go to the landing platform.

Roman-"So? Do you really think the plans gonna work Rouge?"

You-"I've got no clue. Guess we'll find out."

12 at night, Mundi arrives with Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Team RWBY, and 15 Stealth Clone troopers along with Tex.

You board an LAAT and drop into a forest the Grievous should come through. Everyone gets into position and waits for Grievous to walk through.

Clanking can be heard in the distance and Grievous walks into the strike zone with a group of droids 35 droids. The you and the clones open fire quickly dealing with all droids. The Mundi, Obi-Wan, RWBY, Roman, and Neo all drop from some trees and surround the Cyborg. Grievous strikes first at Obi-Wan, Grievous quickly overwhelms them. You, Tex, and 6 other clones attempt to pin Grievous while the other clones grapple him. He throws you and the rest of the clones off of him.

You quickly stand up and pull out your Vibro-Ax. You go into strike Grievous from above, be blocks it and slashes at you. You dodge it and continue to attack. Everyone else notices that your buying them time so they quickly come up with a plan to apprehend Grievous. But you can't hold put any longer. He slashes at your body and kicks you into a tree. Pain shoots through your body. You can move. All you can do is watch as your team battles Grievous.

After 30 minutes of fighting, Grievous is defeated and captured. Tex runs over to you and quickly tries to help you. You don't have the strength to say anything. You just watch him, RWBY, and other clones frantically try to save you.

You simply touch Tex's helmet. Then your vision fades.

Ruby's POV

I watch as Tex screams (Y/Ns) name as the Jedi stand there unable to do anything.

Three weeks after Grievous's capture the Battle of Remnant ended.

32,102 clone were killed

150,124 clones were injured

50,000 estimates missing

1 clone commander killed

And 3 Vale ARCs were killed

I remember (Y/N's) opinion. Clones are expendable. Hunters and Huntresses could never be replaced.

No Hunters died in the battle, but we will continue to fight the CIS across the galaxy to honor the indispensable clones who protected Remnant.

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