Chapter 5- Prisoner

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You and your new ARC squad, know as Vale ARCs go to meet up with a division of clones getting ready to launch a major counter attack on the Separatists. They have dug in and set up firing positions and defenses. The division you were assigned to was supposed to march in with about 100 All Terrain Open Transports (AT-OT), which could hold about 50-100 clone troopers. LAATs would drop off AT-RTs and clone reinforcements.

You hopped into your AT-OT with Gunnery. Tex and Trinity hopped in the one next to you. The AT-OTs started slowly walking forward. When you encountered enemy's the AT-OTs front cannons would open fire and clones would shoot down on them from the walker.

The streets of Vale were littered with debris and trash. Building were destroyed or damaged. Blaster marks were around almost every corner.

Gunnery-"It's such a mess."

You-"Couldn't imagine what it must be like for the locals."

Gunnery-"What do you mean?"

You-"I mean, a random space republic shows up out of no where, a bunch of robots end up invading, and now the have millions of the same people marching down their streets with giant ass walkers. I just think they find it a bit strange or off putting."

Gunnery-"Yeah I get that."

Clone Captain-"Alright men, we're coming up on the defenses now, be prepared, it's not going to be easy!"

Clone-"We'll be fine, we have ARCs!"

An explosion goes off near your transport. Next thing you know lasers are flying left and right.

Clone-"They've, got the road blockaded!"

Captain-"(C/N), take a squad to sneak around the blockade!"

You-"Yes sir!"

You gather Gunnery, Tex, Trinity, and 4 other clones. You hop out of the transport and make your way down an alley. The alley is very large, and you hear moving next to you. You and your squad aim toward the noise. Then a flash, a girl with an umbrella and pink and brown hair is charging at one of your clone. She knocks him down then raises her umbrella to bring it down on his head. Gunnery uses his blaster as a sword and blocks the attack. You run up from behind and pick her up, slam her to the ground and pin her. You place your knee on her back and pin her hands. She squirms under you.

Trinity-"Aww, did your little ambush fail, little girl."

The girl grumbles as Trinity mocks her, you cuff her and pull her to her feet.

Tex-"What do we do with her."

You take off your helmet.

You-"I don't know. Take her with? We can't really just leave her even if she did attack us."

The others agree and Trinity continues to mock her with another clone you took.

You walk by and smack both of the in the back of the head.

You-"Enough mocking her."

The girl gives you a little smile of thanks.

You-"We have a mission, you can do it when we get back."

She glares at you and you give her a wink as you put your helmet back on.

You finally get to the blockade. Multiple B-1 battle droid, and turrets guard the area. Blaster fire still flys by from the walkers. You tell one clone to stay behind and watch the prisoner, you and the others grab thermal detonators and throw them at the Clankers.

They blow up taking a majority of the droids out, you open fire taking out the rest of the droids with your squad. You plant explosives on the blockade and create a path for the walkers to get through.

You hear a whistling. Your squad and the prisoner notice it too. The walker in front of you detonates. Fire and smoke fill the sky. Surviving clones and clones from other walkers scramble out of their walkers and run for cover. More whistling can be heard. You grab the prisoner and dive into a cafe. Trinity, Tex, Gunnery and 10 other clones right behind you.

The artillery doesn't let up for hours, all anyone can do is sit and hope.



I know I haven't updated this in a couple of days, I just rushed this one out really, I have no excuses I was just lazy.

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