Chapter 3- Defense of Beacon

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You followed Inmate into the barracks. Once you entered you saw Pion and about 15 other clones.

You-"What's going on sir?"

Pion-"Seppie ships have been spotted above the planet, our ships are engaging them but they've got drop ships entering the arena."

You grabbed a blaster and ran with Inmate and 8 other clones to a defensive position and took cover. Pion was close behind you with 12 more clones, they all got into defensive positions as well.

Pion-"You 20 need to hold this entrance to Beacon. I have other places I need to be, Do not let this position fall, Understood!"

All-"Yes sir!"

One of the clones had a mounted blaster turret and placed it on wall they were taking cover on. The others readied their weapons and prepare for the attack.

You hear the sound of a ship and see a droid drop ship closing in, it lands about in front of you around 100-200 feet away. The front opens up and B1 and 2 battle droids march out.

One of the clones grabbed his rocket launcher and fired at the droids. It missed the droids but hit the drop ship disabling it.

Clone-"Wait till they get closer!"

They get closer

Clone-"Wait for it."

They get even closer, but right as you were about to fire a figure in red flys past you.

Clone 2-"What the hell!?"

The figure is almost to fast to see but it's slicing down droids. You look to the clone on the turret and he looked at you.

You-"Open fire!"

They clones open fire as the figure continues its assault. The droids open fire as well. Three more figures run past you, not as fast so you can identify them as team RWBY. A clone next to you goes down with a laser to the chest. It doesn't take long for you to handle the droids. Your job was easy compared to the rest of Beacon.

You quickly walk up to team RWBY.

You-"I wanna thank you girls, bu-"

Clone-"What the hell are you doing here?"

Yang-"Sorry, my sister here saw the droids and got a little excited."

Ruby-"I was only trying to help."

Inmate-"We appreciate it but do you know the danger you just put yourself in?"

You-"It's okay, they-"

Ozpin-"They are very competent, and skilled fighter."

You grumble under your breathe.

You-"Yeah, I saw how hunters and huntress dealt with Grimm. They're pretty good."

Ozpin-"Thank you, but I think you guys should make you way to the other part of the school, they'll need help. You too RWBY."

Clones-"Yes sir!"

You, the other 18 clones, and RWBY all ran to the other other defensive position. When you arrive you see its tight and close quarters combat. You guys open up fire and RWBY engages them.

You fire your blaster then notice Pion dealing with a droid, another one marches up behind him and aims it's E-5 at him. You run for Pion as quickly as possible and tackle him, the droid fires and hit his friend you raise your blaster and put two bolts in its chest. It collapses.

You get up and pull Pion to his feet

Pion-"Thanks trooper!"

You nod and go back to fighting. You notice a couple of clones go down but press your attack. You get close enough to one of the droids to beat it down with your blaster. Then you hear it.


Most of the clones dive and you do the same. The 2 Vultures fire two torpedoes hitting near you launching you and 3 other clones into a wall, of the four of you only you and one other got up. You shake off the hit and grab a blaster. The battle lasts for hours but eventually the droids are defeated.

You grab a wounded clone and carry him to Beacons infirmary, where you assumed multiple other clones would be. As your running down the hall carrying the wounded clone, clones run past you left and right, the students are either hiding in their room or just watch the chaos unfold. You arrive at the infirmary and give the clone to a nurse, she takes him and lays him on a bed and takes off his helmet.

You leave and make you way outside to help the cleanup crew and build better defenses.

You work for hours until Pion and Ozpin show up to debrief you.

Pion-"The defense of Beacon was successful, today. The Atlas military and the clone garrison at Atlas are engaging the Seppies , Menagerie and Vale haven't been attacked yet. We will be sending a couple of Battalions tomorrow. Acklay Company, Vengeance Company, and Dingo Company will be sent to Vale. Be prepare, I have a feeling this won't be easy, dismissed."

The other Clones go back to what they were doing, while the named company's get ready for their expedition to Vale.


You-"Yes sir?"

Pion-"Your being reassigned to team RWBY. They're going with your company to Vale. Get as much sleep as possible your gonna be leaving early."

You salute and go to your quarters. You lay down and listen to a conversation you fellow brothers are having.

Clone-"How many did we lose?"

Clone Medic-"We've counted 132 dead,76 were wounded. Cup, Sussex, and Porr were killed, Shotup, and Frenzy were wounded."

Clone-"Damnit, I'm gonna make them pay."

Clone Medic-"You'll get your revenge tomorrow, Brimstone."

Brimstone-"I hope so."

Dooku-"General Aish, how goes the invasion.

Aish-"My forces have taken the planet my Lord, I told you it would be easy."

Dooku-"Good, it seems that Grand Admiral Masiot wasn't so lucky. He died in the space of Remnant. I shall give the control of his ground forces to you, and his fleet to Admiral Shu. Take Remnant, and don't let me down like Masiot did.

Aish-"Yes my Lord, I shall do you proud."

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