Chapter Six: The Girlfriend Thing

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"Um what?" I asked, my hand slipping off of my hip. I started falling forward, but Mitchell reached out and caught me quickly.

"And you say you're a dancer?" He said sarcastically.

"How did you know that?"

"Oh. I heard you talking to Izzy, I wasn't meaning to listen in, but I was just waiting to talk to you." He explained. I wanted to say something snarky back, but came up blank, so I nodded.

"So anyways, back to this 'girlfriend' thing, look its flattering but I'm new and I'm just not ready for anything serious.." I started explaining but he interjected quickly, shaking his head.

"Oh no. No no. I need you to be my fake girlfriend." He said, giving me a smile, and put his hands on his knees.

"Your fake girlfriend?"

"Yea. Look, my parents think I don't have a social life and I just want them off my back. It wouldn't be for long. Just long enough for them to believe."

I stood for a long time, studying his face, trying to see if he was joking.

"Fine. I guess. But not for too long, alright?" I said, hardly believing that I agreed.

"Two months. Tops." He said as I nodded and started to turn around.

"Wait. Um maybe we should exchange numbers real fast?" He said quickly.  I turned back toward him and put my hand out, waiting for his phone. He slipped it into my palm and I quickly entered my number. I handed it back to him and he slid it in his back pocket. "Oh hey, maybe let Izzy and Sam believe we're dating.?"

"Why? I thought this was just for your parents?"

"Well yea, but Izzy is Alex's sister and Alex is my best friend and if she tells him and he lets something slip, it would kind of be pointless, yea? Plus Seattle may seem big, but it's actually smaller than a lot of people think." He said running a hand through his hair.

"I understand. So this is, in front of everyone? What story do I tell Sam and Izzy? Or my mom?" I asked starting to get a little panicky.

"How about we go somewhere tomorrow, come up with a story, and we'll make it public enough that it seems like a first date?" He said attempting to calm me down. I nodded slowly and pointed behind myself.

"I'm gonna go now. Text me."

He nodded and walked back toward the stands.

I walked behind him and to the concessions stand. The kid behind the counter smiled at me.

"Hey is my hot chocolate ready?" I smiled sweetly. He looked at me confused.

"That girl you were with grabbed them and went back to the stands." I thanked him and went back to the seats. I scanned the crowd and only saw Sam, looking worried.

"Where were you?! Alex hurt himself." She said pulling me to my seat. I sat down quickly.

"Oh my god! What happened, is he okay? Where's Izzy?" I asked searching the crowd below.

"He went to catch a bad pass and got hit by another player. His shoulder hit the ground and it was a pretty loud crack, we could hear it out here.. Izzy's with him now in the locker room." She said staring down at her phone. Mitchell came running up.

"Do you know anything? Has Izzy texted you?" He asked, rushing his words.

"Nothing yet. He's in alot of pain apparently. They don't think he has to go to the hospital though." She said checking her phone again. He nodded slowly.

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