Steven Stamkos

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(for Rory, the only girl in the world who made me actually believe I was a slut, and then proved I wasnt. I love you sissy.)

I walked into Stevens house, stoked for the party. I could hear the music from 7 houses down. Steven is my bff and I love him. As not just a bff. As a BF. "Rory, Babe?" He asks, wrapping his arms around my waist. I can tell he's drunk, I smell the alcohol. "Steven, no. Why don't we have some water?" I ask, reaching up to get a cup for water. I guess my shirt shows skin, because suddenly Steven's lips are against my stomach. I go to shove him away, but he looks up at me. "Rory, I have loved you since we met at the Pens vs. Lighting game 3 years ago, and I need to know, do you love me?" He asks, standing up and pinning mr yo the fridge. I nod, shocked and thats when his lips crash onto mine.

2 Years later-

Steven and me got married 1 year ago, an have been trying to get pregnant for awhile. Finally, there is the positive sign we've been waiting for. "Steven, babe?" I call out, as he runs into the bathroom. "Did you hurt yourself?" He asks, worried. I smile and show him the test. "Rory, you're, we're, we're pregnant?" He asks, his eyes getting red. I nod and he picks me up, spins me around and then kisses me. "I'm gonna show you how excited I am." He adds, smirking. I nod and let him carry me to the bed.

Lets say, we didn't all.

(thats for you sissy)

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