Trevor Lewis

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You didnt know what to expect. Your husband just won the cup, you just had your daughter, and Trevor just got a puppy. "Trevor, we cant have a puppy around Ella!" You say as you sit next to your husband on the couch. "Why not? Tyler is a good dog!" Trevor protests, sitting up. "Ella could get seriously injured! She's too young! Let Quick watch him, till Ella's at least 2!" You explain. "NO! Y/N, it's my dog!" Trevor yells, grabbing his keys and walking out. You sigh and sit down thinking about where he's going.

2 Months Later:

Trevor hasnt come home, he took his car and he's not currently staying with a teammate. Ella has been a handful, and you really just want Trevor home because you miss him. You miss his body next to yours at night, you miss his lips pressed to yours. You know he hasnt filed divorce, you would've gotten a notification. Quick calls to say he got a letter saying, "I'll come home with Tyler when Ella's 2." You thank him and hang up, you then start crying.

2 Years Later:

Ella misses her daddy, you miss her father, he means so much and today is er 2nd birthday. He better be there, you want him and that damn dog home. Ella sits surrounded by Trevor's teammates, they're like family. Everyone is sitting at the picnic table in your giant backyard. You walk back outside, with a beer and thats when you see Trevor. You run to him and throw your arms around him. He hugs you and kisses you, then he lets Tyler off the leash and all the kids play with the dog. "Don't you ever do that again!" You laugh, into Trevor's chest. "I'm sorry, and I won't Y/N." he answers. You sing to your daughter, eat cake and then give her her gifts. She loves Tyler and her father even more.

"You were right. Tyler is an amazing dog!" You laugh, Trevor smiles and wraps an arm around your waist pulling you to him. He then leans down and kisses you, as the kids run around chasing Tyler. What a perfect day for your baby girl.

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