Chapter 9 - traveling home

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we walk home as we walk silent went thru us. I just look at the ground as we walk then I felt evan's hand on my shoulder I look up and him and he look down at Me "stop frowning will find a way so that guy would stop and will find your best friend" he said I just smile at him and he smile back.

we went to the bus stop and ride in the bus. once we got in the bus we take a sit and just wait till we got home. it's been taking a long time cause it's traffic ugh! oh my fucking gosh this is taking to long. I look at Evan and I was shock cause he fell asleep. I just look at the other side then in a few minutes I felt Evans head at my shoulder he was laying his head on my shoulder. well I cant just move and push him off. I just let his lay at my shoulder. he better make sure that his saliva won't fall on my shoulder. he started to move his head and i just tap his head so he could be comfortable.

after a few minutes the bus stop as the bus stop Evan woke up and look at me I just raised my eyebrow "yeah hi" I said in a annoying voice "did I fell asleep? " he ask and again I raised my eyebrow "hell yeah you did come on" I said getting up and we walk out of the bus. as we walk silent went thru us.

"hmm sorry about earlier" he said laughing

"nah it's fine at least there's no saliva fell down on my shoulder if that ever happens I'll kill you"

"oh really " he said trying to annoy me.

"yeah" I said sticking my tongue out.
he just ruffle my hair and I just smirk at him and slap his hand "warning do not touch the brunet hair" I said he just burst out laughing. he ruffle my hair one more time and runs I just run after him and he look at me while running then he trip over something. he trip over a brick and he fall down and I stop running and bust out laughing he just smirk at me.

"HELLelujah! " i said then he just smile and laughs a little. i help him up "that's what I call karma" i said still laughing with my face like this (*^▽^*)

"har har laugh all you want" he said smiling I still laugh.

"don't say that ever again okay?"


"you sounded like a gayshit" I said laughing then he laughs too.

"gay-shit really? "

"yeah gay-shit the classic "

*how could you be so selfish I was never cruel to you*

we heard my phone ringing it was a call from Chasity I just stare at it "aren't you gonna answer that? " he ask I just shock my head in a no "why? " he ask again "I love my ringing tone hahahaha " I said laughing.

*you tend to be indifferent I did all I oh I did all I could do everybody changes we a feel the same do you still remember when we were both alive we are innocent but everybody's broken*

"your still not gonna answer that? " he ask again and I just put my index finger on my lip In a shhh way "shh" I said.

*everybody wants to fell... how could you be so fragile I was only kind to you.. god is my own witness I did all I oh I did all I could do*

Evan was about to speak as we walk and I just do the shh way again I could see that his getting annoy.

*but now I count and hope you change your mind and I count one.. two.. and hope you realize the everybody changes we a feel the same do you still remember when we were both alive-*

the song end ow! why did Chas has to stop calling!? I heard Evan sigh "finally! " he said laughing while raising his both hands high in the air "oh shut up the was my favorite song" I said laughing "who wrote that song? it's pretty cute but it's a sad song" he said "the band is called save me Hollywood and that song is called changes" I said then he nodded his head.

WHOA WHOA WHOA! where are we!? I look at Evan and ask "where are we? " I ask then he looks around "were almost at town" he said I just nodded my head. I didn't notice that were still at no where.

after a few minutes where in town already "finally where here!" i said happily "yeah and it's getting late" Evan said causing me to look at him he was looking at his watch.

"yeah and I'm hella tired" I said

"oh hop on" he said bending down his knee.

"what?" I raised my eyebrow

"just hop on" he Said I just do what he said. he started to carry be all the way to my house I fell a little sleepy tho I just close my eyes for a sec.

"AVRIL! " I heard a voice a ruff voice and open my eyes and realize that Evan stops and I look behind us....


HELLelujah! sowwy for the late update I've been doing a lot of things and school is about to start and I think I might update a little long for now but I'll do everything I can to update another chapter. thanks for reading tho and for that votes! love y'all

~ baby hae

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