Chapter 11-FriendSHIT

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A woke up in the morning and decided to get ready for school, I went to my bathroom and took a warm relaxing bath and after that I went to my closet and look something good to wear, I put out a black jeans and a white long sleeve that the sleeve color is red and I brush my brunet hair. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen and drink a glass of milk "honey aren't you gonna eat?" My mom ask while I was walking out the kitchen "nah I'm not hungry" I replied and she didn't replied back, I went to the couch and sit there and look up at my phone there was a text message from chasity it said •Avril ill see you later at school I won't be able to pick you up sorry

I just read it and turn off my phone and I just sigh "ugh mom I'm off" I called out to my mom and I went out the door and started to walk to school, as I walk I started humming to a song that's called Timber "it's going down I'm yelling timber, you better move, you better dance, let's make a night you won't remember I'll be the one you won't forget" I sang with my low voice actually I don't even know why I'm like this today I feel like something bad is gonna happen today but I don't know what.

as I was almost there I felt a hand on my shoulder I started to spin around fast and grab the person's arm and spin him making his arm twist to his back "ahhh!! knock it!" I heard Evans voice then I started to let go "oh my fucking boobs! I'm si sorry I thought it was someone that.... I don't know " I apologize helping him up "I'm really sorry" I said tapping his arm "yeah yeah it's fine" he said I just smile at him "next time don't do that" I teased him "yeah I will Never if I want to live" he said sarcastically I just roll my eyes and we started to walk to school together.

after a while we finally made it at school as we walk to the gate a car just rush at my side but I didn't get hurt, I stopped and watch the car and it started to park at the side, the person got out and it was Nathan! fucking Nathan got out of the shitty car! "the fuck" I said coldly in anger deep inside me! "you okay? this guy is getting in my Nerve" Evan said I just nodded my head "I'm fine" I said with a fake smile, Nathan went around to the passenger sit and open the door and a girl got out well well well I guess Mr. fuck ass found a lady "what the fuck!?" I screamed and I felt Evan covered my mouth with his hand I started to struggle, he pulled me away and I push him away and peek at the side of the wall "what the heck!? " I said in so confused "yeah I know right" Evan said.

"what the hell is Chas doing with him? "

"Nathan gave him a ride? "

"and she accept it and choose that... that fuckass over me!? "

"hmm... "

"oh come on! you have got to be kidding me!"

"forget it let's go to class" Evan said a little cold I just sigh deep in anger and we started to walk to class

what a fucking friendshit! as in I mean SHIT like SHIT SHIT SHIT! , I thought my bestfriend turn her back and went with my shitty ex boyfriend. "Avril?" I heard my teacher called me "huh? yeah? " I asked "are you okay? your turning red" she said and I just stared at her "maybe you should Ho to the clinic" she said then I nodded my head, I stood up and walk out the door, students from calculus class started to get out from there classrooms and I'm sure Chasity is just out here, she's part of the calculus class that just got out,while I was on my way at the clinic I saw Chasity walking to me I just vow down so I pretend that I didn't see her "avie" she said, she hold my hand oh my god don't touch me! "yeah? " I asked.

"where are you going? "


"why? "

"my head hurts"

"I'll walk you there"

"no I'm good"

"no I'll help"

"no I said I'm good"

"why don't you want me to help you? "

"I'm fine go to your next class"

"why first"

no why first you picked Nathan over your best friend "nothing I'll be fine now go"

"ugh stubborn fine I'll see you later" she said then she kissed my cheek I just gave her a fake smile of mine then she started to walk away.



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sorry for the late update I was kinda busy, thanks for the reads and votes wuv you all!

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