Break Her Heart

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   The next morning, I wake up to shouting downstairs. I hear mom and Teagan going at it. They hardly ever fight so it worries me when they do.

   I push myself off the bed and run down the steps. I can hear what their saying more clearly and I have a visual too.

   Teagan is on one side of the room. He has his hands balled in a fist and is staring at her with so much anger. He's like a ticking time bomb about to explode. If she says something wrong, he will go off and I did not want to see it.

   Mom is leaning against the counter with her arms folded. Her voice is softer than Teagan's, but is still strong and loud. She has a hint of terror in her eyes, but I know she won't back down. Teagan scares her when he's mad mad, but she likes to show that she's in control.

   "Teagan, be happy for your sister! She's finally talking to a boy after all these years," she shouts at him.

   So this is about me? I lean against the wall to hide myself, but I also have a better view of the argument.

   "Mom, he's a bad boy! He's going to break her heart. You fucking know it, too!" Teagan screams punching the kitchen wall.

   Mom opens her mouth to say something, but stops abruptly.

   "Teagan," she finally says," he's a nice boy. Don't be so quick to judge. Tattoos and piercings don't mean anything. Its the personality that counts. He treats her like she's a princess. That's what she deserves."

   "Yeah, and soon enough he'll treat her like a peasant. Watch and learn, mom."

   This gets her angry. She walks over to him and pokes at his chest.

   "You don't talk like that. Don't be so negative. Don't you want your sister happy? God dammit, Teagan. Don't be so selfish!" she shouts.

   That ticking time bomb has about three seconds before it explodes and I am the only one who can save it.

   "Okay, whatever you two are fighting over isn't worth it. I want you, Teagan, to go to your room. I want you, mom, to go outside," I say and point to the two directions.

   "Last time I checked, you weren't my boss," Teagan seethes.

   "Well, you aren't listening to your boss so go!" I snap back.

   He rolls his eyes and stomps up the stairs.

   Mom walks outside tugging at her hair and mumbling incoherent words under her breath. I know it has to do with Teagan and being asshole, but I don't bother asking exactly what is being said.

   I try to piece together what the argument was about and why it happened.

   My family has never been perfect, but no family is. We all have a few bumps and bruises. A few cracks and scars from the past. Its what makes it unique.

   Teagan seems to be on edge nowadays. Mom seems to be more carefree. I seem to be more... emotional?

   Everything jumbles together in my mind as I clean the dishes from last night's dinner and today's breakfast. It was like a million puzzles and all their pieces were mixed up in a pile. Try to piece it together, I bet you can't.

   A few moments later, mom walks through the front door and sits down at the kitchen table. She runs her hands through her hair and wipes her eyes. My mother is the strongest woman I have ever met and to see her crying breaks my heart.

   "Mommy, why are you crying?" I ask going over to her side.

   "Teagan reminds me so much of your father, Anna. Did you see the way he looked at me when we were in that argument? The same look your father gave me."

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