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   "You're leaving tomorrow," Ashton says looking at our hands.

   "That is true," I reply.

   "Why can't you stay?" he asks whipping his head up to look at me.

   "I'm not old enough to stay here."

   "God damn ages," he mutters hitting his knee on mine.

   I crack a smile and kiss his clothed chest.

   "Its for the best, Ash," I mumble.


   "You and Michael can go back to normal, the band won't split up since there's no chance of me dating you, we can get over each other, and we won't feel guilty."

   "I guess," he says pushing his back more into the bed.

   From there, we talk about the band. We talk about how Michael and him are almost being polite to each other. I caused all of this and I feel horrible.

   "Michael wants to go to the airport and see you off," Ashton whispers out of nowhere.

   "I can't stop him," I state.

   I kind of want to see him one last time. Its time for the last bit of closure. This is going to our final goodbye.


   "Get up. Its time to get ready for the airport," my mom says shaking us.

   I groan and sit up. The room is completely empty except for my bed and my dresser. Well, that and a shit ton of boxes. It looks sad and depressing. So it basically matches my mood.

   Ashton goes to the bathroom to get dressed and let's me have my room. It doesn't take but a couple seconds to throw on a pair of sweats and a ATL band tee. I throe my hair in a bun and go downstairs to get breakfast.

   My mom has a box of granola bars set out for us kids and a box of orange juice. The house has lost its liveliness within a couple days. It looks dreary and colorless.

   "Everyone ready?" mom asks twirling the keys on her finger.

   I look at Teagan and Ashton before nodding. They look just as sad as I do. Mom is the only one who has even a little smile on her face.

   The ride is quiet and mostly filled with us texting. I'm sat up front while Teagan and Ashton are in the back. Teagan insisted on him and Ashton sitting there. Something about boy time...

   When we get there, its pretty empty. There's not a lot of people walking around and only a couple sitting on the seats they provide you.

    The boys come running towards the area we are sitting at. There is still about a thirty minute wait until the plane gets here, but I guess they thought they might be late.

   I stand up and hug Luke. He pulls me against him tightly and whispers something about how much he'll miss me while I'm in America.

   "Thank you for supporting this band as much as you did. It means a shit ton, Anna," Luke mumbles while pulling away from the hug.

   "I will always support you guys. 5 Seconds of Summer is absolutely incredible!"

   He gives me a dimpled smile and walks over to Ashton. That leaves Michael and Calum to say goodbye. Calum gives Michael a look before coming up to me.

   "I'll miss you, Anna Banana," he says chuckling.

   I smile and pull him in for a hug. He rests his head in the crook of my neck and rubs my back. I've always loved this about his hugs.

   "I'll miss you, too, Cal Pal," I reply.

   I leave a kiss on his cheek and watch him walk over to the other two. Michael comes towards me and slips his hands into pockets awkwardly.

   He bites his upper lip and stares at me. I can tell he's looking for the right thing to say. To be honest, he could say anything and it'd be the right thing.

   "Are you going to hug me?" I ask giggling.

   Michael gives me a slight smile and then grabs me tightly. His hug is needy and bone crushing. It is still an amazing hug, though.

   "Princess, I don't want you to go."

   "I know, Michael. I know," I reply with a sigh.

   It hurts me to stand here and say goodbye to my first love. It hurts because I know I might not ever see him again. It also hurts because I screwed up and now he's not mine anymore. But what hurts the most is that I don't love him anymore.

   "Please stay with me. We can forget everything that has happened. We can go back to that coffee place and start new. I won't try to rape you this time," he jokes and lets out a sad chuckle.

   "I'm sorry, Mikey. I am," I say running my hand through his hair.

   "Anna, its time to say goodbye to Ashton and then get on the plane," mom says tapping my arm.

   "I'll see you again, princess. I'll make you mine again," he says like its a fact.

   "Goodbye, Michael."

   He walks away with tears falling from his eyes. Michael wipes them away angrily once he gets to Luke. Calum pats his back trying to calm him down.

   "Well, this is it," Ashton says awkwardly when he gets up to me.

   I nod and look down my Vans. I fear that if I look up at his beautiful face that I'll start crying. I might cling to him and tell him that I want to stay in Australia with him and live happily ever after.

   "Look at me, Anna," he demands grabbing my chin and jerking it up so he can see my face.

   "I'll miss you, butt face," I away throwing my body on his.

   Ashton stumbles back at first due to the fact that he didn't expect it it to happen. After Ashton regains composure, he wraps his arms around my lower back and kisses my forehead.

   "I'll miss you, too, love."

   "Kiss me," I say looking up at him.

   Ashton looks over towards his group of friends. He makes sure Michael isn't looking and places his lips on mine. The kiss is short, but good.

   "Don't forget about me, Anna," he says sadly.

   "Only if you don't forget about me," I reply.

   "I couldn't forget about my world," Ashton says cheesily.

   I push his shoulder and chuckle. It makes me blush, though.

   "I'll see you again, Anna."

    |~this is the end guys. should there be a sequal?~|


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