Stage 1

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"Will you just stop talking already!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

You are probably wondering why I just screamed that out but in defense, it was her fault.

My name is (Y/n) (L/n). I have always been that average girl in the crowd watching over my sister and boyfriend participate in Bey competitions across the world.

"Go (S/n)! You can do this!" I yell out from the crowd. Some gave me weird looks some gave me stares. (S/n) just looked back at me and "tch'ed". 'How rude.' I thought to myself.




"Let it rip!" (S/N) shouted and drew her bey Storm Charger. Perfectly it claimed the middle. The other bey was an attack type. But I had no doubts that (S/n) was going to win. And she did. My older sister was a 'Spin Empress' I didn't pay much attention to the title but it was a big deal for her. My boyfriend although not a spin emperor yet was determined to become one. Both wanting to battle Lui Shirasagi for top place in Japan's Supreme Four.

"(S/n) (L/n) wins the battle with  burst finish!" Yelled out the man who controlled the match. 'Yes she won!' I thought. 'She is moving up the ranks!'

After all and I mean all of (S/n)'s battle we would get take out all together but this time I decided I would pick it up.

"Thank you so much," I said paying the man at the register. I waltzed out the door smiling like an idiot. (B/f) was going to battle Xander next. If he beats him he will be in the Supreme four.

I put my earbuds in listening to (F/S) while I walked back to our shared apartments. I almost missed the sound of sloppy kisses coming from the other side of the door.

Keyword 'Almost'.

That and a few mumbles. Barging through the door I saw the worst image a sister and a girlfriend could ever see.

(B/F) was on top of my sister making out. Both turned their heads toward the opening door, keeping my cool I dropped the food and walked up to the both of them smacking them both in the face.

"I trusted you! And this is what you did behind my back!" I said pointing to my sister's neck which had bruises. (S/n) covered them up and slapped my face.

"You need manners." She said. "He decided to leave you for me get over it. Don't whine at what you lost." I stared at her in the most pitiful manner. "You're teaching me manners?" I said pushing her but not enough to knock her down. "You don't even say thank you to me when I do things for you!"

"Girls. Calm down." (B/f) said pulling (S/n) down and pushing me away. "You have no place in this conversation!" I yelled at him.

"You have no place. Here or wherever we took you.  You were just brought here with us because mom doesn't want to deal with a disappointment like you."

"(B/f) is that true?" I ask him. All I received was a nod.

"You were worthless from the beginning. I only wanted you along because the more people heard my name the more famous I get. And that's what you did. You pathetically got the crowd cheering for me."

I tried to keep my cool at that moment. But not only anger was pouring out of me. It was my sadness.

"I only used you to stop fangirls from getting to me. You see (Y/n)you were just being used." (B/f) said.

"You used me for your own purposes. How did I not see." I whispered.

"Because your dumb minded along with everything I am not. I am fueled by passion my 'fans' give me. Have a hot boyfriend who also is a blader. And-"

"Will you stop talking already!" I yelled.

"I know I am not anything like you. I know I am not a world class blader like you. But I don't care!"

And with that, I packed all my stuff including my bey Feral Phoenix, the bey I 'was' going to surprise my sister and my boyfriend. Well, look how that went.

Once I finished packing my luggage which wasn't much just some needed clothes and some essentials I left.

'Now where do I go?' I asked myself sullenly. Wandering off I just decide to follow my instincts. Just when I thought I found a glimmer of hope, it started to rain. Turns out that glimmer of hope went down the drain. Literally.

Sitting under a tree was the next good idea. The tree I sat under was next to a park. Hoping the rain let out a little so I could find shelter under the roof of its bey stadium.

Right when I thought all hope was lost the rain stopped. But only on me?

"Um, Miss. You're soaking wet. I was wondering if you were alright." The voice said. Looking up I meet the worried glance of a boy with long light blue hair. He looked fourteen years of age just like me. The boy reached out his hand to me.

"It looks like you have had a rough day, huh?"I nodded and sighed. Reaching out his hand the boy said. "My name is Ukyo Ibuki. It is nice to meet you, miss?" I grabbed his hand accepting the gentle pull he gave to help you get up. "(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n). Thank you, Mr. Ibuki for your concern but right at the moment my life is just not agreeing with me." Ukyo laughed. "I don't mind you calling me Ukyo."

As I pick up my luggage, put my hoodie on, and stepped out in the rain I again thanked the stranger. I began to walk away from him only to be followed. "Why are you following me Ukyo?" I ask. The boy took my luggage and handed me the umbrella. "Follow me. I a guessing you don't have a place to stay for the night." The boy took no answer from me and turned his heel and walked away.

"Well? Aren't you coming."

" I u-uh. Yeah!"

The long walk was worth the wait. The dojo I sat in felt comfy and heartwarming. My luggage was placed down right beside me. The towel I had received from Ukyo was warm and soothing, it reminded me of the first time you released Feral Phoenix. The sheer feeling of warmth and soon to be success.

 I sighed for about the 50th time today. I should just finish up here and leave.

When my hair was dried I looked through my luggage and got back up to my feet. That was when I heard a gigantic laugh. Nervous chills ran down my spine. Questions ran through my head all at once.

"Don't worry so much Ukyo." I heard the voice say. I then heard rustling from the other room.

Footsteps got louder and louder and closer to the empty room I was in. I grasped the handle of my suitcase and when the door to the room open I did nothing but grasp it tighter.

A big man had Ukyo in a headlock. And so I threw the suitcase at his face. I succeeded.  

When the man released Ukyo he burst into inexplicable laughter. My face flushed with embarrassment. This guy had the nerve to laugh at me when I save his life.

"Ukyo. I am guessing this is the girl you were speaking of." He said regaining feeling in his face. Once Ukyo stopped laughing he nodded and smiled at me. "Xander this is (Y/n). (Y/n) this is Xander. Xander Shakadera." My head immediately started turning.

"Why does the world hate me today!" I yelled collapsing on the ground. "Woah Woah Woah there. Are you alright?" Xander asked me. Ukyo walked next to me reaching out for my hand but I smacked it away.

"Just leave me alone. Please."

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