Stage 19

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"Do you have everything?" I asked as  I saw Ukyo rushing out of the door. Someone following on his heels.

"Yes, my love," Ukyo said.

It had been about 15 years after Ukyo proposed and we had gotten hitched.

It was about time we moved into a house.

Ukyo had grown up. Though the boy never changed. He still trained with Xander and the gang and trained kids how to bey-blade.

Both of us had stable jobs and a beautiful house.

Ruwei and Xander adopted a small boy across the years and I've got to say acted a lot like Ruwei. I saw him play with other kids around the neighborhood.

(I am just going to name their child after Ruwei because I can just image a Ruwei jr.)

I had realized so much time has passed. It seemed as if the teenage years passed by in a flash and now Ukyo and I were ready to take another huge step in our relationship.

The sapphire ring never left my finger under any circumstance. And I wouldn't have that any other way. I loved looking down and seeing the blue that lined my finger.

I looked back on the years as Ukyo drove.

All the moment's we have had would be blessed with new ones. Passed arguments and disagreements were always shaded over with heartfelt apologies.

"I'm excited," Ukyo said as he looked at me snapping me back from my doze. I smiled back at him. He was always reliable and kind as he was when I met him.

He kept all of his skills he achieved during training. I could never win hide and seek against that guy. But I did pick up on some hints he always gave. He cut his hair. Grew it back and so on and so forth. But he always said it was nice to let it grow once in a while.

He still loved the color blue. He had taken a liking to wear fingerless gloves again. Paired with a leather jacket and sunglasses he would look like a biker chick. I could only giggle as I looked at him.

Nothing ever seemed to change with us. Even after we graduated from college. All seemed good in the hood.

"I can't believe you Ukyo!" I said a bit frustrated. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

He laughed and rolled up into the driveway of the Shakedera family.

"Ruwei!" Xander said helping me out of the car.

Ruwei grew his hair even longer saying how he couldn't bear parting with the sweet strands.

"(Y/n)! Nice to see you up and out of the house." Ruwei joked.

Ukyo came round the car to kiss my cheek before opening the back door of the car picking up a small (hair color) (boy/girl). Ukyo kissed the small (boy/girl) on the forehead before handing (him/her) to me.

"How long has it been?" Ruwei asked in his arms was a small boy who stared at me before tugging his fathers shirt in an attempt for Ruwei to put him down.

Ruwei bent down letting the boy down before facing the young one in my arms.

"To long. That's for sure." I said as (Child name) stirred. I put (him/her) down so Ren Wu.

I see (Child name) running toward her father who picked (him/her) up with a smile. I looks over.

"It's been a while."  Said smiling back at my husband who played with (Child name).

"They never change." I say as Ruwei smiled.

Ukyo walkes over to me with a smile wrapping his arms around my waist.

"That's not entirely a bad thing is it?" I asked as I leaned closer to my husband. Below me was our baby curling up to my leg.

Ruwei laughed. "I suppose you're right." He said as I picked up (Child name).

If you told me I was going to date and eventually marry Ukyo Ibuki. I would have looked at you funny. I would have laughed.

But as I look at Ukyo. His eyes that peered into mine as we share a heated moment. Or his strong shoulders that I cried on and his arms that held me and my baby close.

"I love you (Y/n)." Ukyo said before kissing my temple before kissing my lips. Even now he makes me blush like a tomato.

"I love you Ukyo, (Child name)." I press my lips on (child name) head before kissing my husband's lips.

"Now you'll have two ninja's in your house." Xander said holding Ruwei against him while Ren Wu hugged Xander's leg.

I laughed, and looked at both of them.

"I've got my hands full." I said as Ukyo's short hair fell around my body as his head nuzzled into my neck.

I married a ninja.

A ninja of love.

A/N: This is the final chapter. But I'll write the occasional one-shots now and then. Thank you for reading Ninja's of Love. :) be sure to check out my other words like Sightless Silencer a Free x Reader or Amour de demon: the demons love. If your interested in my latest writing. -BlueAblaze.

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