Stage 5

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I looked around the dojo with a longing smile. This was home now, home for me, Ukyo and everyone here. Reeling back to reality I almost missed the call ringing in my pocket.

"Oh!" I shouted.

Checking the caller ID it was none other than my mother. I swallowed up all my nervousness pushing it down into the pit of my stomach.

I picked up the call.


"(Y/n). Let me speak to your sister."

I clenched my free hand. But kept my tone calm.

"She is not here at the moment. Sorry."

"Did my message go through? I asked for your sister."

"Indulge me and I might put you through."

'I talked back to her. That's not good.'

"Respect me, child! I asked for your sister. Not a fool!"

I walked back to my room. Phone in hand. Hand to ear. A small box in the corner caught my eye. My mother rambled on, on how better my sister was. Though my thoughts weren't on her. I picked the box up. Inside was a photo of my mother holding me when I was younger. When dad hadn't left us yet.

I was surprised the picture was still vivid. My mother and her (H/c) hair, (E/c) eyes holding a smaller version of me.

She looked happy.

"(Y/n)! Are you listening to me? You better be."

"I'm sorry, mother. I was just having a rough day, sister and I separated, we no longer speak to each other."

On the other side, I heard a scoff and various items that were knocked over. She was angry.

Sometimes I wonder why she even bothered to keep me around.

"Good girl, now if you do see your sister make sure to tell her I am coming to live in Japan."

Then she hung up, no 'goodbye' or  'I love you.' Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. When father left she put the blame on me, saying that if they only had (S/n) they wouldn't be going through this. After he left was even harder. I was the odd one out of the two of us. (S/n) was a princess showered with love and admiration, but no matter what I did, nor how impressive it was. My mother would never be proud of me. It had been a while since I heard her say 'I love you' to me. Too long for a while.

Today I was alone at the dojo. And I preferred it that way.

I awoke the next morning on the floor clutching my phone in one hand and the picture of my mother and me in the other. Ukyo climbed through my window holding a bag in his hand.

"Morning (Y/n)!" He said I dusted off my (F/c) (Dress/Shirt) I slept in and took the bag from his hands. "Aww~" I cooed. "Did you get me a present already. We haven't even gone on our first date yet." I joked. Ukyo blushed lightly.  "It's from Quon. He says it's a thank you gift." I opened the bag and inside was a skateboard decorated in (F/c) and (F/c2). "I don't even know how to skateboard," I mumble.

"Did someone say Skateboard!" Quon yelled flinging open the door to my room. Ukyo and I jumped. Quon looked into the distance. "Come with me if you want to learn the art of the skateboard. Xander lift me." Quon said. Xander came in and picked up Quon making a grand escape.

I look through the bag and there was also a pair of kneepads, elbow pads, and a helmet. I put in the pads and the helmet and walked out with the skateboard. "Come on Ukyo how hard can skateboarding be?"

Hard very hard. Clinging to Quon he took me along the side of the dojo guiding me step by step on how to actually ride a skateboard. I had to admit I was pretty scared. He made skateboarding look so easy and fun. More like a nightmare.

"Should we continue this sometime later?" Quon asked trying to pry my hands from his shoulders. I nodded my head, picked up the skateboard and silently we walked back to the dojo.

When I put my stuff away I joined Ukyo, Xander, and Yugo. They were working on their beys. I talked to Ukyo staying close to his side. "So do you think Unicrest will have a chance at Shu?" Ukyo asked. Before I could answer someone knocked on the dojo door. "Who could that be. It's past time everyone has gone home." Yugo said joining Xander to see who it was.

I was wondering too. I waited for Ukyo to finish and together we walked toward the chatting sound of people. As we got closer I heard words being formed.

"I'm sorry Ma'am but I haven't seen or heard anyone by that name."

"Xander who are you-" I said. Tears prickled my eyes and I fought the urge to run away. Those familiar (E/c) eyes and her (H/c) hair. There was no doubt. That was my mother. She walked toward me smiling.

"(Y/n~," She said in a sickeningly sweet tone. "Come here and give your mother a hug!"

"Stop pretending. Stop acting like you care!" I yelled at her. "Dear child. Have respect for your elders." She said through grit teeth. "Why should I. How could I respect you now, how could I have ever respected you? What is wrong wi-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I was cut off by my mother's hand across my cheek.

She slapped me. "Are you claiming you have a rough life?" She said slapping me again. The others watched. "Are you blaming me for what you put our family through?" She grabbed my hair with her fists and shook me around strands of (H/c) hair fell below me then clawed and scratched up my once decent looking face. "Huh?Huh? Why couldn't you be like (S/n)? Talented, smart, strong, beautiful. Why did you have to come out looking and acting so pathetic!?" A fist came hurtling toward my face. But never reached it.

Ukyo blocked it. Tears were now streaming down my face in rivers. Xander shoved my mother out the dojo door while Yugo and Quon tried to help me. Ukyo ran and got the first aid kit. 

Xander and Ukyo ran to my side. "Shh, it's okay now," Xander said running a hand soothingly on my back. Ukyo tried to lift up my head, refusing I stare down at the floor not bothering to wipe my tears away.

It hurt. No doubt. But that was how my mother was with me. I reached out subconsciously, feeling around for something or someone. Ukyo grabbed my hand. I squeezed it. "Everything's alright now." He said softly stroking my messed up tresses. I slowly lift my head up to meet his eyes. I let my eyes stray to the side. Quon, he was crying. Yugo was saddened. Xander was worried. But observing Ukyo grief lined his face.

"T-thank you for worrying guys," I said. "(Y/n)," Ukyo said tending to the small cuts on my face. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his lap. My tears stopped and now silence returned.

"We should call Shu and tell him what happened," Quon said wiping his tears away.

"Yeah, we should all go and leave these two alone," Yugo said looking at Ukyo and me.

They all nodded, and Ukyo and I were left alone. Ukyo soothingly hummed a melody. "Ukyo, are you alright?" I ask him. It was unusual all this silence. "I should be asking you that. But to answer your question yes I'm fine." He looked down at the stray amounts of hair on the floor. He sighed.

"What has that woman put you through?" I smiled and giggled. "A lot." Ukyo smiled.

"Come on let's get ice-cream."

"Nah, I like it here."

Ukyo pulled you into a hug embracing new and known feelings.

Little did we know, (M/n) was listening to us.The woman never felt so wrong in her life. In the purse, she held at her side was a small picture. A picture of her and (Y/n). Taking it out (M/n) stared at it. The reason she came to Japan was to reunite with her daughters. Not turn their relationship into more fragments. Fragments too small to put back together.

Oh, how she wished. 

Wished she could take back everything she said to (Y/n).

If only she could.

A/N: Thanks for reading another chapter of Ninja's of Love (Ukyo Ibuki x Reader). I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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