Stage 10

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As the sun caressed my skin, slowly waking in tousled sheets I open my (E/n) eyes. Immediately I sat up. "Home." I thought.

Beside me on the bed, Chris was as well looking out of the window drinking tea. She got up and sat next to me. Grabbing a cup of tea on her way over to me.

"Your Bey." She started. "You take it everywhere don't you?" I nodded while staring at the warm liquid in my hands. "Feral Phonix is its name." She closed her eyes while she stared out the window.

"But you didn't bring it this time hmm?" She questioned. I nodded. "I didn't bring a lot of things when I left (S/n) and found myself at Xander Shakadera's Sword Flames Academy. That was when my life changed for the better good."


"Yeah, there even is this one special person who decided to take me in even though I might have been a lost cause." I blushed. "Oh? This person sounds quite special."

"He is."

"Shakadera you say?" I nod. "I think I know someone who might know where he is." I couldn't help but perk up a bit. "You do!?"

Shasa rubbed her eyes saying. "Yup, Ruwei-San." Chris and I giggled when Shasa fell back against the headboard bumping her head on it. I stared at the now lukewarm tea in my hand and hesitantly swirl it around the cup. "Don't worry so much Ukyo. I'm fine." I whispered as my cheeks dusted a light shade of pink.

"Ukyo?" I heard Shasa ask as she to sat next to me. Honey still sleeping soundly in her bed. I couldn't stop the arising blush that settled on my cheeks. "So that's the special someone," Chris said a hand to her mouth. The small heat in my cheeks got hotter. "Oh! what did I miss when I was asleep." Shasa asked excitedly.

I raised my hands in protest. "Nothing, nothing." Though hopefully, Ukyo is doing fine.

Ukyo P.O.V.

I spent all night looking for (Y/n). But there were no signs of her except a note saying that she would be back soon and an abandoned grocery bag filled with stuff on the side of the road.

I barely got any sleep that night. All I could think about was "How can I find (Y/n)?"

I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling.

If only I could find her. That one special person.

I turned to my side and curled up into a ball hoping just hoping she would come back home safely.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

"I think he's just fine." I thought.

"Well," I started finishing up the tea. "Let's not stay here all day now." Chris stood up grabbing a piece of paper while up. I saw her write something down and then handed the pen and paper to Shasa who also wrote down something.

Shasa handed the paper to me, I quickly scanned my eyes over the collection of numbers. "You know, to contact Chris and I if you need some extra training advice." Shasa said. I smiled. "Thanks."

The four of us got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. I didn't eat as much as I hoped, leaving part of my plate empty.

"So are you from around here?" I ask Chris. She shook her head and continued to drink her tea. "We are from Spain. There we live at BC SOL a club that helps bladers reach their full potential. Like Free here."

Free nodded. After breakfast, I changed into my clothes and brought back the ones I borrowed. Chris then introduced me to Ruwei Sun.

"So let me get this straight." Ruwei sighed and held up his hands folding them into his lap. "Xander Shakadera let you stay at the dojo." I nodded. "And you got caught up in the storm." I nodded. "Not only that but you decided to go into the forest and then found yourself on the other side of town."

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