Let me go

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"Ethan?" I said as we layed on his bed in the dark, almost asleep

"Yeah baby girl?" He said and wrapped his arms around me
"Im really worried about Diego. Hes not, himself"

"I can go see him but lainey, I cant pry into his life hes grown if he wants do certain things we just have to let him" That made me sad but Ethan was right.

"I just miss my friend..the way he used to be" Ethan kissed the side of my face, "I do too baby, he'll come around"

"You arent saying much about all this. Do you know something I don't? Like whats up with that chloe chick?"

"Those pictures are old as fuck hes trying to piss off Jess"

"Wait what?! Why would he intentionally try to piss off Jess?"

"Because- its just not our buisness lain- its not"

I turned my body twords him, he couldnt see me but I had a look on my face.

"So you do know something!" I shouted at Ethan

His phone began to ring, hes lucky because I wanted to know what he knew about Diego.

He answered the phone,
Oh my god
Okay okay yes Ill be right there"

Ethan got up fast and threw his cloths on "Ill be back!"

I sat up "what happened?? Do you need me to go?"

He wouldn't answer me he was so frantic and moving quickly.
"Ethan???" I called out

He opened the bedroom door and ran out, I could hear his keys jingling in his hands.
I got up quick and ran after him

"Ethan? Whats going on??!" I yelled this time

"Its Diego.." he paused and looked down, I could tell by his tone there was something wrong.

"Im going!"
There was no doubt I WAS GOING. I ran out to the car before Ethan could even get to the front door, I opened the car door up and got inside and buckled my seatbelt. I could see ethan coming to the door, his face was blank.

He got inside and put on his seatbelt and started the car, he seemed like he had a million thoughts running through his head.

"Please tell me what happened, please?" I begged him

"Lainey you have to stay inside the car, do you hear me?" His tone was low but It felt like he was yelling at me. Ive never seen ethan so emotionless.

"Ethan!" I just wanted an answer

He kept driving and the whole drive was quiet. This wasnt the way to Diegos house where were we going?

He turned the radio up.

He turned his blinker on and we turned into the hospital parking lot.

"Ethan..what -what are we doing here?!" I grabbed his arm, begging him to tell me, tell me anything

"Lainey..." His voice cracked, and he sounded like he was going to begin to cry

I looked at him. He looked into my eyes. I widened my eyes gesturing for him to tell me something.

"He tried to kill himself Lainey..." Tears fell from Ethans face "he is not okay Lainey I should have been with him, he told me he was hurt, I should have been kicking it with him tonight" he held his hands over his eyes and whipped away his tears.
I looked up at the hospital, My friend was in there hurt and I wanted to get to him.

"Ethan let me see him!"

He shook his head no

I grabbed the door handle and ran, Ethan instantly came after me and grabbed my body. Holding my arms down so I couldn't budge

"Why wont you let me go?!!!!!" I screamed, tears now forming in my eyes

"I dont want you seeing him like that??!! You need to wait until hes better" ethan screamed into my ear, his voice still cracking

I could tell Ethan wanted to be strong for me but deep inside he wanted to get to Diego too

I was willing to do anything and let Diego know I was here. I had to get into that room.

"Ethan if you dont let me go I will NEVER forgive you!"

He eased his grip and let go of me, he stood there and looked down "go!"

I ran

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