chapter 11 - the bully

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Johnny: the reason we can't go to school here is because of...Nadia
Kenzie: Nadia Turner?
Lauren: you know her?
Kenzie: yeah I'm friends with her sister
Johnny: are you friends with Nadia?
Kenzie: heck no! she's known as the bully of the school
Lauren: she was too at our old school and we were so glad when she moved to LA
Johnny: but now if she's at school here then we can't go
Kenzie: okay so did like something happen between the three of you in Toronto?
Lauren: Johnny tell her
Johnny: Lauren no!
Kenzie: tell me what?
Johnny: nothing I'll see you tomorrow?
Kenzie: uh yeah of course
* Johnny and Kenzie hug and then kiss and Kenzie leaves *
Meredith: wait I'm confused, since when are you and Kenzie a thing?
* Johnny blushes *
Lauren: since now mom, they were making out in the kitchen
Meredith&Dale: you were what!
* Lauren laughs *
Johnny: Lauren that's not funny!
Lauren: sorry it was a joke but they did kiss
Johnny: yeah we did and sorry about my attitude at dinner, i was just not myself without Kenzie
Meredith: aw
Dale: our prayers have been answered! he finally found a girl who makes him happy!
Lauren: and I've found a real friend!
Johnny: okay well you guys are annoying so I'm going to bed now
Lauren: yeah me too, school is going to be a rough day tomorrow
Meredith: speaking of school and going to bed, give me your phones
Johnny&Lauren: what!
Meredith: I'm waiting
Johnny: why do you need our phones
Lauren: yeah woman have you lost your mind! i mean uh mom
Meredith: that's what i thought young lady and you guys know the drill, no phones on school nights
Johnny: but i have to text Kenzie!
Lauren: me too!
Meredith: you just saw Kenzie
Johnny: what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't send her a goodnight text!
Lauren: and what kind of best friend would i be!
Dale: okay let them send their goodnight texts and then go to bed
Johnny: thank you
Lauren: it'll only take a second
* Lauren sends Kenzie a goodnight text and then hands Meredith her phone and Johnny is still texting Kenzie *
Dale: Johnny your phone?
Johnny: almost done
Lauren: dude what are you doing, sending her a paragraph about how much you love her
Johnny: shut up Lauren!
* Johnny finishes and hands Meredith his phone and as Lauren and Johnny go upstairs Johnny's phone goes off *
Meredith: uh John
Johnny: what is it mom?
Meredith: will you please tell me why you have a text from...
who texted Johnny?

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