chapter 24 - changed

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Lauren: i want to be popular so I'll be friends with you guys
Hayden: Lauren!
Lauren: sorry Hayden but i want to be popular
Hayden: you're already popular to me just please don't be their friends
* Lauren blushes *
Sophia: okay Lauren here are the rules, you are nice to no one, we are only nice to the popular kids so say goodbye to your nerdy friends here
Lauren: but-
Annie: you want to be one of us right?
Lauren: i mean yeah but-
Annie: then say goodbye to them and say hello to us
Kenzie: Lauren please don't do this
Johnny: you can't betray us like this
Lauren: oh please you guys don't care about me, you just care about each other
Sophia: tell them girl
Kenzie: Lauren that's not true
Johnny: you may annoy me sometimes but i do care about you
Lauren: whatever it's not like you two have been caring about me lately, you've been together so much and barely have noticed me
Kenzie: Lauren you should've told us you were feeling this way
Lauren: whatever just leave me alone, both of you
Hayden: Lauren please don't act like this, don't do any of this, for me
Lauren: leave me alone Hayden Playerall!
* Lauren and all the popular girls laugh*
Hayden: you've changed Lauren and i don't like this Lauren
* Hayden shakes his head and walks off and Lauren stops laughing and sighs *
Sophia: that was the best Lauren
Annie: i gotta admit that was pretty funny
Kenzie: i hope you're happy now Lauren
Johnny: being mean doesn't make you popular, it just makes you a jerk
* Kenzie and Johnny walk off *
Sophia: don't listen to them
Annie: yeah they're just jealous
Lauren: yeah...right
Sophia: you're one of us now
Annie: congratulations
Lauren: yeah...right
Sophia: Lauren?
Lauren: yeah?
Sophia: aren't you happy to be popular?
Annie: yeah you don't seem happy, aren't you happy?
Lauren: i...
is Lauren happy?
(this is a weird chapter spam because I'm running out of ideas as i write a chapter haha)

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