chapter 19 - old girlfriend

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Kenzie: this is Annie and Hayden
Annie: hey I'm Annie Leblanc
Hayden: and I'm Hayden Summerall
( Lauren's point of view )
Hayden's kinda cute but i think he's dating that Annie girl
( Hayden's point of view )
that Lauren girl is kinda cute but wait what am i saying, I'm dating Annie
* Hayden and Lauren stare at each other *
( Kenzie's point of view )
i can definitely see the chemistry between Lauren and Hayden but is Hayden dating that Annie girl
Johnny: so uh Hayden and Annie are you two like a thing?
Annie: yeah we are
* Hayden doesn't say anything and he just looks at Lauren and Lauren walks off and Hayden sighs *
Johnny: what's wrong with Lauren?
Kenzie&Hayden : I'll go check on her
Kenzie: Hayden i don't think that's such a good idea
Hayden: no please let me
Kenzie: oh okay go ahead
* Hayden walks off to find Kenzie *
Annie: wait your name is Johnny?
Johnny: yeah
Annie: Johnny Orlando?
Johnny: uh yeah why
Annie: so you're Nadia's ex boyfriend she keeps blabbing about
* Johnny's eyes go wide *
Kenzie: ex...ex what?
Annie: Kenzie you seriously didn't know that him and Nadia dated each other
Kenzie: no i didn't! Johnny want to explain!
Johnny: Kenzie i was going to tell you
Kenzie: and when exactly were you going to tell me!
Johnny: Kenzie please just listen to me
Annie: uh I'll just leave you two alone, i should go find Hayden anyway
* Annie walks off to find Hayden *
// Hayden and Lauren //
Lauren: what do you want?
Hayden: i just wanted to see if you were okay
Lauren: I'm fine
Hayden: you don't seem fine
Lauren: why do you care?
* Lauren walks off but Hayden grabs her by her hand and pulls her closer to him *
Hayden: because i care about you
Lauren: you are really close to me
Hayden: is that a problem?
Lauren: no i like it...i mean uh how can you care about me when you just met me?
Hayden: i don't know how or why but i just had this spark when i met you, my eyes lit up when i saw you
Lauren: r...rr...really? *blushes*
Hayden: i...i really like you Lauren
Lauren: i really like you too but...
Hayden: *sighs* but what?
Lauren: what about Annie?
Hayden: let's just forget about her right now
* Hayden leans in and so does Lauren and someone interrupts them *
?: well well well
Hayden: oh hey...
who interrupted them?
(hannie who? it's layden! I'm bringing layden back haha don't hate me but I'll try my best to post for you guys)

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