chapter 27 - Hayden's plan

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Principal: i just wanted to ask if you wanted to press any charges against Brandon Rowland for beating you up in the hallway
Johnny: i...
// in class //
Hayden: are you okay Kenzie?
Kenzie: yeah I'm fine it's just...nevermind
Hayden: no come on what is it
Kenzie: nothing it's stupid
* Hayden grabs Kenzie's hand *
Hayden: Kenzie I'm your friend, you can tell me anything
* Kenzie sighs and smiles at Hayden *
Kenzie: I'm just worried about Johnny, he's been in the office for awhile now and I'm scared that he might get in trouble
Hayden: wait so if the Principal wanted to talk to Johnny then why did you and Lauren go to the office?
Kenzie: because of our problems, she snitched on me and told the counselor about Nadia bullying me and i got mad at her cause she promised me she wouldn't tell anyone and she did
Hayden: i know it's bad to break a promise but Kenzie she was honestly just trying to help you
Kenzie: i guess you're right
* Hayden looks into Kenzie's eyes *
Hayden: Kenzie your eyes are red
Kenzie: so
Hayden: so you've been crying
Kenzie: i don't want to talk about it
Hayden: tell me what happened
Kenzie: i said i don't want to talk about it okay
// bell rings //
Hayden: hey Kenzie
Kenzie: yeah?
Hayden: if you ever want to talk about anything I'm here for you
* Johnny walks back into the classroom to get his stuff since the bell has rung *
Kenzie: thanks Hayden you're the best
* Kenzie hugs Hayden and Johnny sees and walks out of the classroom and Lauren walks over to Kenzie and Hayden *
Lauren: guys what's up with Johnny?
Kenzie: well look who decided to talk to us
Lauren: whatever just tell me what's up with Johnny
Hayden: why do you care, come on Kenzie we have to get to our next class before we're late
* Kenzie and Hayden walk out of the classroom and Lauren sighs *
Kenzie: so Hayden when are you telling me about your plan
Hayden: how about i come to your house after school and I'll tell you
Kenzie: yeah sure sounds good
// end of the day //
Hayden: ready to go to your house?
Kenzie: yeah I'm ready but shouldn't we wait for Johnny?
Hayden: Johnny already left, him and Lauren left a few minutes early
Kenzie: that's weird, why would he leave without telling me goodbye
Hayden: maybe he was in a rush
Kenzie: yeah i guess
Hayden: is your mom picking us up?
Kenzie: no my house is a few minute away so i just walk
Hayden: oh okay well let's go
// at Kenzie's house //
Kenzie: okay okay spill the beans
Hayden: i don't have any beans and if i did why would i spill them
* Kenzie face palms herself *
Kenzie: nevermind just tell me what your plan is
Hayden: my plan is...
what's Hayden's plan?
(sorry I'm only posting one chapter again, I'm running out of ideas and school is getting more stressful everyday so yay)

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