chapter 15 - the decision

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Lauren: i want to tell someone
Nadia: they why don't you?
Lauren: why do you care? if i told someone then you will get in trouble
Nadia: i don't really care if you tell on me, you'd still be a tattletale
Lauren: what are you? five? no one says tattletale anymore
Nadia: well you got twenty minutes of free time left so if you're going you better hurry
Lauren: Kenzie told me not to
Nadia: that's Kenzie, what are you going to do though?
Lauren: i...
// Johnny and Kenzie //
Johnny&Kenzie: I'm sorry
Johnny&Kenzie: oh you go first
Random student: somebody just talk!
Johnny&Kenzie: sorry
Johnny&Kenzie: okay you have to stop saying the same thing I'm saying
* Johnny sighs *
Johnny: Kenzie you know that i love you, with all my heart
Kenzie: that's real funny since you kissed Nadia right in front on me
Johnny: she told me that she wouldn't stop bullying you unless i kissed her
Kenzie: did you know about that?
Johnny: she told me and Kenzie you should've told me
Kenzie: I'm sorry i guess i just didn't want anybody to know
Johnny: well just tell me next time
Kenzie: okay i will
Johnny: so are we good?
Kenzie: i-
* the intercom comes on *
Speaker: will miss Mackenzie Ziegler please come to the guidance office
Johnny: what's wrong?
* Kenzie looks around and doesn't see Lauren sitting in her seat anymore *
Kenzie: oh no she didn't!
Johnny: who?
Kenzie: i told her not to!
* Kenzie goes to the guidance office *
Johnny: can i please go to the bathroom?
Teacher: yes you may but hurry up
Johnny: i will
* Johnny walks out the classroom *
( Johnny's point of view )
i didn't really have to go to the bathroom, i just need to see why Kenzie is going to the guidance office
// at the guidance office //
* Kenzie walks in and sees Lauren with the counselor *
Counselor: take a sit Kenzie
* Kenzie sits down *
Kenzie: why am i here?
Counselor: because...
why is Kenzie at the guidance office?
( sorry I'm getting late with my chapters everyday, school is stressing me out everyday )

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