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7:42 am June 14th -two weeks after night one-

For better or for worse, feelings collide.

That itself is something I cannot hide.

Yoongi's paper is blank beyond those words. His old, sad, and depressing rap songs about his insecurities have become more intense.. More emotional. Yoongi hadn't felt this way for a long time. Although whatever this feeling was, he didn't know the word for it.

Jimin is sitting on Yoongi's studio floor, drawing a piano board for the older. Lately little space has become a more regular thing. Of course Yoongi didn't know what to make of it, but Jimin said he didn't want to go home for a while.

And surely Jimin did not want to talk about it.

A few nights back, Yoongi had attempted to discuss the night Jimin came to his door at 4 am. Jimin had snapped, screamed at Yoongi and flung his juice at the older, running into the guest bedroom crying. Yoongi slept alone that night.

Jimin had recovered though, the next night. After ignoring his hyung all day, he had come up to Yoongi with wide eyes and uttered a small. "Daddy..?"

Yoongi was working at the time, so he only grunted in response. Jimin continued with, "Do you hate me?"

Yoongi's attention was no longer on work. "Sweetie, no" he frowns and grabs one of Jimin's chubby hands. "What did I say two weeks ago?"

Jimin ponders for a bit, his feet squishing the carpet like his brain cells as he tried to remember. The little bites his lip, but answers quickly. "That you love me very much, daddy."

"That's correct, sweetie." Yoongi tugs Jimin closer and rubs his sides. "It will always be that way."

Jimin did not smile as he usually does at the sappy words though. he sniffles instead with tears in his eyes and a fit buliding up. "I just.. I thought you stopped loving me when I threw juice at you because I made you all sticky and gross. I thought your love faded."

The shimmering tear was tearing Yoongi apart, so he drags the tear away with his thumb, hoping that that action would make the male smile. No sucess. Only more tears came and Yoongi presses a small kiss to Jimin's forehead. "Jiminie, I could never, ever, ever stop loving you."

Jimin stammers and stutters, reminding Yoongi of stuttering Bill. "S-s-so I'm s-still your litt-tle D-d-ove?"

"Yes, Jimin. You're still my beautiful little Dove."

They cuddled for the rest of that evening and watchedd nemo, Yoongi's fingers tangled in Jimin's soft brown hair.

Collision of hearts, Collision teared me apart, yet I. Still. Love Him..

"Daddy I made you a gift." Jimin says ad sits up, a crayon still in his hand. Yoongi's mind is somewhere else, the gift that the little offers is useless right now to him.

Jimin frowns when a response was not voiced. "Daddy", Jimin presses, standing and walking over to Yoongi. "Daddy I made you something."

Yoongi shakes his head and groans, rubbing his face stressfully. "Jimin, we have already discussed this multiple times. You can be in here when I'm working as long as youre quiet. I don't want to hear you again today."

Yoongi doesn't seem to notice his harsh words. The older had been stressed, and yes, Jimin understood that. It just seemed that Yoongi was taking it out on his little Dove. Jimin didn't feel like a dove anymore at this point. He felt like road kill.

Jimin's lip quivered and he clenches the crayon in his hand. Jimin felt like slapping Yoongi. Slapping him and screaming. Im here damn it! Look at me and nurture me like you promised!

But he would only dig himself into a hole. A hole that is hard to recover from. So he just wiped at his face and set everything down, exiting the studio quietly.

Yoongi didn't seem to notice, but if he did he surely didn't seem to care.

5:00 pm

Yoongi is stirring soup in a small bowl for Jimin who had been playing in his room all day. Since this morining the hyung had only seen Jimin leave the room to go to the bathroom, otherwise Jimin was hiding out in the guest room.

"Jimin, dinner!" Yoongi calls out to the other, getting no response. "Jimin!"

After a few seconds the twist of the knob, creak of he door, and padding of the little's feet come through. Except this isn't little Jimin anymore.

"Oh I'm sorry, sweetie I can get you a bigger bowl-"

"Just Jimin..."

Yoongi's heart drops immediately. "What?" he asks,, hoping he heard wrong.

"Just call me Jimin."

Something about the younger's eyes was scary, unhappy... miserable.

"Oh.. Well is everything okay?"

"I think I'm going to head home tomorrow. I've been a burden for too long already."

"What?" Yoongi snaps in fear. "No, no you aren't a burden I like your company, please don't.. Please don't leave.."

For some reason Jimin was being different. Just yesterday they were playing and having fun, Jimin giggling about how he wanted to stay with Yoongi forever, and now he wants to leave... And leave to the place he said he never wanted to go back to? Something just wasn't right. Yoongi just knew that for sure. I can bet my fur on that!

Dinner was eaten in silence other than Yoongi being needy rather than the usual cruel words. Jimin refused to talk to Yoongi any more and after he was done eating he began to retreat back to the guest bedroom.

"Jimin?", Yoongi called out one last time, hoping to gain attention from the man he was so scared of losing, but he lost. Jimin was gone and the door was closed behind him. Suddenly Yoongi stands and storms into his room, smooshing his face into the pillows in dispair.

He felt like a child doing this. He felt like an overgrown baby that was throwing a fit because of lack of attention.

Maybe this all was just some wild thing in his head... maybe things weren't actually okay... maybe Yoongi was just seeing things, trying to believe that someone as beautiful as Jimin could ever love someone like him.

So he huffs and squeezes his eyes shut, wanting everything to vanish when he opened his eyes.

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