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By the time Sally had went to sleep, I was already tired, but I didn't want to sound like a princess, so I didn't say it.

Thalia was allowed to stay, so right now we are deciding on movies.

"I want to watch the Screams." Thalia says, grabbing all 4 of them out of her duffel bag. Don't ask, because, even I don't know how she got it here.

"I want to watch all of the Harry Potter's" Percy says.

I don't know what to watch. I want to watch the Harry Potter movies because I'm kinda like Hermione Granger, the smart bookworm.

"Harry Potter" I say.

Percy smiles and puts on the first one. When he comes and sits back on the couch, I snuggle up to him.


When the end credits for The Deathly Hallows Part2 are playing, i get off Percy and stretch, almost hitting him in the face. Almost.

I see that Thalia and Percy are asleep. How is that fair? I'm now wide awake, so I ain't going to sleep

I check my smart phone and see that it's only 4 am in the morning, 2 hours to when I normally wake up. (A/N it would actually go until 5:02 pm the next day but let's just go with this, shall we?)

It's officially Christmas Eve-day.

I walk into the kitchen cautiously, not to knock anything over. I grab some blue cookies from the fridge and put them on a plate, bringing them out to the coffee table.

I walk back in and get 3 glasses and fill them with blue chocolate milk and also put them on the table.

I grab a zip-lock bag and put 3 cookies in it, then, I get my travel mug and pour my chocolate milk in it.

Quickly I scribble a note and leave it on the table

Dear Thalia and Percy

I left when the movie finished

Hope you enjoy the cookies and milk

I'll see you guys at school

Love, Annabeth

It looked pretty good, so I got my bag, and walked out of the apartment, shutting the door behind me quietly.

The sun is just rising and it casts beautiful oranges and yellows across the awakening sky.

Shoving my hands in my pockets of my jacket, I see my breath in the cold air.

As I arrive at my house, I open the letter box and grab the flyers in their, I unlock the door, and walk up to my room.

I go in and am comforted by the simple ness of it. Plain, yellow bedspread. White walls. A small brown desk and a black swivel chair.

I liked it like this.

It was good for my ADHD.

I sit on my bed and look through the mail

Mia Chase, nope

Fredrick Chase, nope

Annabeth Chase.

I take the letters and put them at the end of my bed except for my one, I turn it over and look on the back.

It has a return to sender address on it and it reads:

Half-Blood hill

Long Island

New York


Okay then, this was rather weird. A half-blood is a child of a mortal and a god, but I never knew there was a hill called that.

Long Island isn't that far away from here, so if I wanted to return it, I could.

The only problem was there was no number to tell me exactly where to post it.

I carefully open it and see that it is a letter and a brochure filled with pictures.

My dyslexia wasn't bad at all until I realized that it was in Greek. Now I know I can read Greek.

I read what it says and gasp.

Dear Annabeth Chase.

You, along with many other Greek demigods in the area, are coming to Camp Half-Blood, the only safe place for half-bloods.

You are requested to bring lots of pants, jackets, skirts, shorts, sweaters and accessories except for t-shirts, as we provide them.

There is cabins placed in an Ω shape under the name of a god or goddess. You will be sharing these cabins with your half-brothers or sisters

The camp is located on Half-Blood hill, just near Montauk beach.

A security boundary is around the camp so that no mortals, or monsters can get in.

Here, we can train you how to defend yourself when needed.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Summer, and maybe, if you want to, all year round.

Sincerely, Chiron the Activities Director

And Mr. D (Dionysus) Camp Director

I open up the brochure and look at the pictures

One is of a girl holding a bronze sword with her hair in a braid with an eagle feather in it. She is wearing an orange shirt that says Camp Half-Blood and has a picture of a Pegasus on it. That must be the t-shirts they provide.

Another is of a boy at what looks like, a forge. He's got grease covering his shirt and a little fire is alight in his hair.

One of the last ones is of a girl who is slightly green in color, wearing a brown dress that has rough texture as if to look like bark. I couldn't see her at first, because she blended in to the tree she was standing next, but if it wasn't for her bright green eyes and her perfect white smile.

I thought about it for a while, then I decided to show my parents. I checked my clock and it was 5:30 am. The time they normally get up.

I walked down the stairs and saw my parents at the table.

"Where have you been?!" Mia says

"We were worried sick!" My dad adds.

Crap, I forgot to tell them that I was staying at Percy's.


Ooooooooooooooo Anna's in trouble!

Anyway, who can guess who the people in the brochure are? Hint: the last one is a dryad!


Good Girls Are Bad Girls /completed 2014/Where stories live. Discover now