Chapter 12

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Hello hello everyone! I hate how long it took me to get this out. I knew what I wanted to write for this chapter, but fucking school has been kicking my ass. I swear i'm going to drop out. Nah, just kidding can't afford to do that. But any way, wrote this beauty instead of writing a paper. This came out pretty good in my opinion, I added in a surprise for you guys, hope you enjoy that. Again took me longer then expected, sorry for that. And also, if any of you have any questions about how or why I write the characters certain ways, or want to see more of certain characters, let me know! Hope you enjoy!

WARNINGS: graphic depictions of murder! and mentions of uses of marijuana. 

Also! very important! I was wondering if anyone had a problem with over sexual scenes. I know I have written some between Eyeless and Jeff already in this story, but I can go so much further with my descriptions and I wanted to be sure that none of you wonderful readers had a problem with that. If you do, please, I beg you to let me know, if not I will go ahead with my plans for future chapters. Please if you don't like over sexual scenes let me know! Thank you!

~ Chapter 12 ~

Toby wandered aimlessly around the Forest, thoughts hazy, steps uneven, eyes unfocused. His blood felt sluggish as it pulsed through his veins, he probably shouldn't have smoked that second blunt.

He leaned heavily against a tree, feeling as though the world was spinning every time he closed his eyes. He had left BEN behind on the roof, to many confusing and unwanted thoughts floating around in his head. The twitching teen needed the alone time, needed to get his priorities straight.

The possibility was just absurd. The thought that he and Jeff...that they could...that they would shook his head, he didn't need those thoughts in his head. "Begone evil demons. Crawl back into the holes from wince you came ", he mumbled to himself, pushing off of the tree and continuing deep into the Forest.

Nothing felt right anymore. It was all just like one big blur. The tree's , the sky, the ground. Everything felt to unreal. Was there really a point in all this? Toby didn't know, he wasn't positive on where he stood anymore, where he was supposed to stand. It was like the rock in which his being was placed, was crumbling beneath his feet, like ash blazing away in a heap of hellish fire.

Maybe it was the weed. Or it may have been Toby's own self decrepitating soul that made the Proxy feel as though his entire self was caroding in his hands, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand. Hell, it could have been other all at once he didn't know, but he was positive that he would never smoke another blunt for as long as he lived.

The longer he walked through the trees, the more the silence cleared his head. His thoughts soothing out to a dull thrum, normal paced twitches returning to his limbs. Hunger returning to his stomach. The Proxy wondered if there was any pizzas back at the mansion.

A low snap had the Proxy whipping around in an instant, hand flying to his hip to clutch one of the hatchets that always rested there. His senses were still slightly dulled, but they bristled nonetheless, warning the male of another presence that was not his own.

In truth, the Proxy didn't have much to fear not that he was one of the Operators Proxies. The Rake left him be since their brawl so long ago, and the rumored creature that he was warned about that roamed the trees had never made its presence known. Toby had been told it was Eyeless' pet, so he didn't particularly want to have the chance to meet it.

The tenseness in his shoulders subsided slightly when Masky wandered out from the deep underbrush, quiet laughter leaving him as Hoodie followed close behind. Toby isn't sure he ever heard Masky sound so happy about....anything.

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