Chapter 3

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Hello everyone, I'm so terribly sorry this has taken so long to get out. I feel like a bastard for not posting faster. I have no excuse, but I have chapter 3 ready. Please all those who have read the first two chapters i thank you deeply. 

gogotimaGo. Thank you for asking me to continue in Spanish as well. That had me typing up a furry for the past three hours. I hope this chapter is exceptable and that you still read my story, if not then thanks for reading the other's.

~ Chapter 3 ~

Toby allowed the small girl to lead him down the seemingly never ending twisting and turning halls. She pointed out as many things as she could, any rooms or doors that she wasn't sure about, Sally would turn and ask one of the two beings walking close behind. Either Masky or Hoodie would mumble a confirmation, and Sally would return to happily pointing things out.

"That's the living room!" Sally exclaimed excitedly, pausing in front of a large white walled room. There were two medium sized couches, colored a dark blue. Two plush grey arm chairs sat close to the walls. Bookshelves lined the right and left walls of the room, the mahogany shelves packed full of books, each ranging in thickness. Placed in the center of the room, moved up against the far wall, was a large flat screen television, currently holding the moving image of the "Legend of Zelda".

Toby craned his neck and looked over one of the couches, sitting on the wooden floor, right in front of the television, was what looked like a young boy, most of his blonde hair kept hidden by the strange green hat he wore. The game paused on screen, and Toby watched with rapt curiosity, as the blonde head began to slowly turn in his direction. A shiver went down the teen's spine as black, blood dripping eye's locked with his own from over the boy's shoulder. The boy's top lip curled back in a demented sort of smile, showing sharp white teeth.

The blonde boy returned to his game, leaving a slightly shaken Toby to be pulled along by Sally. "That was BEN, he's really good a video games" Sally said nonchalantly. Toby was left to wonder what other kinds of....people inhabited the mansion. He really couldn't call them monster's, although that dog was close enough to any monster he could think up, but he got thrills from killing people, if that wasn't monstrous, he didn't know what was. Hell, Sally was dead for gods sake. He could tell he would need therapy after this.

"If you turn right, that's the kitchen and there you can make me some pancakes in the morning!" Sally explained cheerfully, skipping ahead slightly. Toby rolled his eyes, neck popping in the process, "w-what ever y-you say d-d-doll" he mumbled glancing into the darkened rooms as they walk by them. 'Front door, watch for a front door' he reminded himself, heart still set on finding a way out of the maze constructed into a house.

"And this is were you meet Slendy!~" Sally sing songed, stopping in front of yet another simple wooden door. He gave her a suspicious look, unsure on if he should continue with the idea of meeting the monster again, or if he should turn, grab the little girl and run.

"Don't try to run Toby, you'll get in trouble" Sally said shaking her head like she was scolding a child. Toby cursed the little girl for understanding him so much. Twitching, Toby let out a sigh, "whatever, l-l-lets g-get this o-o-over with" he made a grab for the door handle, but he was stopped by his wrist being held tightly.

"We wait until we are allowed to enter" Masky instructed. Toby scowled and snatch his hand back. But he waited patiently, unsure on what else to do, his fingers twitched and his foot began to tap against the wood floor. Toby was getting impatient, very impatient. With a sidelong glance at Masky, the ax wielder stepped forward and opened the door quickly stepping inside before Masky or Hoodie could stop him.

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